Antonyms Online Test
Select the opposite meaning or antonym of the word given below:
'Abhorrent' is causing or deserving strong dislike or hatred. 'Attractive' is most opposite in meaning to 'abhorrent'.
'Comely' means pleasing in appearance and attractive which is the nearest opposite in meaning to 'unattractive'.
'Laconic' means short, to the point, concise or expressing much in few word. 'Verbose' means wordy, or using or containing a great and usually an excessive number of words.
'Innocuous' is harmless or inoffensive. 'Offensive' is most opposite in meaning to 'innocuous'.
'Instantly' means something that happens in an instant or very quickly. 'Gradually' means to happen step by step. So it is a more appropriate antonym.
'Terse' means brief and pithy which is the nearest opposite in meaning to 'verbose' which means 'wordy'. The other three words: Protected - guarded; Slippery - likely to slip away or escape; Serene - calm or peaceful.
'Capricious' means changing behaviour suddenly in a way that is difficult to predict. 'Thoughtful' is most opposite in meaning to 'capricious'.
An elevation is a piece of ground that is higher (elevated) than the area around it. A depression in a surface is an area which is lower (depressed) than the parts surrounding it.
A recluse is a person who lives alone and avoids going outside or talking to other people. So 'gregarious' would be the right antonym of 'recluse'. Gregarious means 'sociable'.
'Puerile' means immature or childish which is the nearest opposite in meaning to 'matured'.
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