University of Delhi LLB and LLM Programs

The Faculty of Law was established in 1924. The Law Faculty is claimed to be one of the largest law schools in India. The centre is situated in the university’s North Campus in Maurice Nagar, and is surrounded by a host of other prestigious academic institutions of the country such as the St. Stephen’s College, the Hindu College, Delhi School of Economics, and the Faculty of Management Studies The school attracts students from every state of India and more than 20 countries of Asia, Europe, America and South Africa. It has over 4000 students and 100 full-time faculty members anytime on its rolls. The alumni of this institution include Judges of the Supreme Court and High Courts, Ministers of Union and State Governments, civil servants, and many of India’s lawyers. It has been consistently ranked in the top three laws schools of the country and finished at the second position in the year 2012. Among law schools offering three year LLB courses to graduate students, it is rated as the best by ‘Lawyers Update’ – A monthly magazine for Legal Professionals and students. It has the most powerful alumni network in the legal profession. Of the 35 sitting judges of the Delhi High Court, 31 are from the Faculty of Law, Delhi University and an overwhelming majority are Campus Law Centre, the university’s premier centre for legal education.

Programs Offered

The Faculty of Law is currently offering the following courses:  

  1. Bachelor of Laws (LL.B.),  
  2. Master of Laws (LL.M.),  
  3. Master of Civil Law (M.C.L.),  
  4. Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), and  
  5. Doctor of Civil Laws (D.C.L.).


LL.B: Graduate or post graduate degree with 50% marks for general candidates; relaxation upto 5% marks for physically handicapped candidates. 45% marks for widows/wards of ex-servicemen, for serving personnel who are recipient of Gallantry Awards and OBC candidates; and the degree with pass marks for SC/ST candidates LL.M: LL.B degree (3 years/5 years) with 50% marks for general candidates; relaxation upto 5% marks for physically handicapped candidates. 45% marks for widows/wards of ex-servicemen, for serving personnel who are recipient of Gallantry Awards and OBC/SC/ST candidates Note: Candidates awaiting results of the qualifying degree examination are also eligible to appear in the entrance test. However, admission will depend only on fulfilling minimum eligibility conditions.

Pattern of Examination

Structure of LL.B Entrance Exam

The LL.B Entrance Test 2013 by the Faculty of Law, DU will have 175 objective Type Questions with Multiple Choice Answers. Each question carries 4 marks. For every correct answer, four marks will be awarded & for every incorrect answer, one mark will be deducted. Generally cut off varies between 370-400. Questions are mainly from—

  1. English Language Comprehension, to test the ability to analyse written information, comprehending the main ideas and significant details and drawing inferences from the material presented and testing the general comprehension of language including grammar;
  2. Analytical Abilities
  3. Legal Awareness and Aptitude: for testing the ability to evaluate an assumption, inference or argument that is presented in a short statement and
  4. Solving the Legal Problems: for testing general awareness aptitude about law and the legal system.
  5. General Knowledge. All sections may not have equal number of questions.

Total marks = 175 * 4 = 700.

Structure of LLM Entrance Exam

The LL.M Entrance Test by the Faculty of Law, DU will consist of 175 Objective Type Questions with Multiple Choice Answers in the following areas—  

  1. Constitutional Law of India,
  2. Jurisprudence,
  3. Law of Contracts (General Principles),
  4. Law of Torts, Criminal Law,
  5. Family Law of Marriage & Divorce and
  6. Public International Law (Law of Peace).

Each question carries 4 marks. For every correct answer, four marks will be awarded & for every incorrect answer, one mark will be deducted.

University of Delhi LL.B & LL.M Programs 2013 

How to apply

The Application form and Prospectus can be downloaded from the official website of University of Delhi. The filled online application form along with DD of Rs 700/- (Rs. 250/- for SC/ST) drawn in favour of ‘Registrar, University of Delhi’, payable at New Delhi. Request for application form & bulletin of information by post may be made by sending bank draft of Rs 750/- (Rs 300/- for SC/ST) to Co-ordinator, Admission Committee, Faculty of Law, University of Delhi, Delhi – 110007. PH Candidates: The Bulletin of Information & application form shall be available free of cost subject to the production /Sending of a photocopy of the PH Category certificate. The filled application form should reach below address.

Official Website

Important Dates

1. Last date for the submission for application form is May 30, 2013. 2. Date of LL.B entrance test: June 09, 2013. 3. Date of LL.M entrance test: June 16, 2013.

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