Indian School of Business – Hyderabad and Mohali

The Indian School of Business is a business school in India with campuses in Hyderabad and Mohali. It offers an MBA-equivalent Post Graduate Programme (PGP), an executive MBA-equivalent Post-Graduate Programme in Management for Senior Executives (PGPMAX) and a doctoral-equivalent Fellow Programme in Management (FPM) as well as short-duration and part-time executive education programs for middle and senior management. The school was founded by two senior executives of McKinsey & Company and is governed by a board comprising both Indian and non-Indian businessmen. ISB maintains associations with various foreign institutions. ISB has chosen not to apply for accreditation by AICTE as they do not approve one year programmes.

Contact Details

Hyderabad campus
• Indian School of Business, Gachibowli, Hyderabad – 500 032
• Ph +91 40 2300 7000 Fax +91 40 2300 7099
Mohali campus
• Indian School of Business, Knowledge City, Sector 81, SAS Nagar, Mohali – 140 306
• Ph +91 172 459 0000


Courses, Eligibility and Fee

1. Post Graduate Programme in Management for Senior Executives (PGPMAX)


Bachelor’s Degree and will include the likes of CA, ICWA, etc.
Work Experience: The applicant should possess a minimum of 10 years of full-time work experience as on date of submitting the application (desired experience is closer to 15 or more years).
Fee: Total INR Rs 3,224,732

Selection Procedure

• Quantity and quality of work experience e.g. significant responsibility, experience of managing personnel and budgets, etc.
• Evidence of professional success
• Strong communication skills
• Likelihood of benefiting from the programme
• Business leadership potential, track-record, traits, attitude/mindset, etc.
• Motivation to participate in the programme
• Undergraduate degree performance
• Performance in the interview
• TOEFL / IELTS score (if applicable)
The above mentioned criteria are not in order of importance

2. Post Graduate Programme in Management (PGP)

• Course Duration: 1Year
• Fees: $ 40,000
• Seats: Total: 67


A Bachelor’s degree in any discipline. Preferably two years of full-time work experience after graduation. Exceptional candidates, with less work experience, will be considered for deferred admission.

Selection Procedure

• GMAT score
• TOEFL / IELTS / PTE score, only if language of instruction during undergraduate education was not English.

Cut-offs and Placement

Last/Current Year Cut-offs (PGPMAX)
However, ISB does not restrict candidates by “cut off” criteria. We also assess analytical ability based on the GMAT score. While a good GMAT score helps, ISB does not have a cut off for the GMAT. An average score, for instance, can be compensated by achievements in other areas.
100 Percent
The placement season for the Co 2012 yielded a total of 631 offers for the 528 participating students, from 348 companies, which included several first time recruiters. 46 students opted out of the placement process to join their previous employers, return to their family businesses, start their own ventures and the like. The average outgoing CTC for the Class increased by 2.1 times as compared to the average incoming CTC. Our women students fared well with their average outgoing CTC increasing by 2.8 times their average incoming
• Average International CTC (In $) USD 130,135
• Average Domestic CTC (In Rs.) INR 1883403

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