Maharashtra Common Entrance Test – MH-CET

Government of Maharashtra conducts the Common Entrance Test (CET) for admission to first year of two year full time regular post graduate degree courses in Management namely Master of Business Administration (MBA) / Master of Management Studies (MMS).
The institutes, which qualify for the admission process as per these rules, are:

  • Approved by all India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), New Delhi.
  • Recognised by the Government of Maharashtra.
  • Affiliated to any one of the nine Non Agricultural / Non Technological Universities in Maharashtra state.

Following are the types of Institutes in the Maharashtra state covered by these rules;

  1. All Government Management Institutes
  2. All University Departments of Management
  3. All University Managed Management Institutes
  4. All Unaided Management institutes
Official Website

Courses and Eligibility


  1. Two year full time course in Master of Business Administration (MBA)
  2. Two year full time course in Master of Management Studies (MMS),
  3. Two year full time course in Post Graduate Diploma Course in Business Management (PGDBM)
  4. Two year full time course in Post Graduate Diploma Course in Management (PGDM).


1. Basic Qualification : In order to secure admission to first year of two-year full time MBA/MMS programme, the candidate should fulfil the following eligibility criteria;
Passed with minimum of 50% marks in aggregate* ( 45% in case of backward class candidates from Maharashtra State only) in any Bachelor’s degree of minimum three years duration in any discipline recognised by the Association of Indian Universities.
Appeared for the final year examination of any Bachelor’s degree of minimum three years duration in any discipline recognised by the Association of Indian Universities.
2. Eligibility Criteria for admission to Maharashtra State candidates for the seats coming under Centralised Allotment Process (CAP) :

  • Basic qualification as specified above.
  • Appeared for the Common Entrance Test (MAH-MBA/MMS-CET), GD & PI .

3. Eligibility Criteria for admissions to Outside Maharashtra State (OMS) candidates for the 15% seats coming under CAP:

  • Basic qualification as specified above.
  • Appeared for CAT (conducted by IIMs) / JMET (conducted by IITs) / MAT (conducted by AIMA) / ATMA (conducted by AIMS) / XAT (conducted by XLRI) for seeking admission to MBA/MMS.

Such candidates are required to appear for GD &PI conducted by the Competent Authority of Maharashtra State.

Pattern of Examination

Sr. No





Verbal Ability and Reading


150 Minutes


Quantitative Aptitude and
Logical / Abstract Reasoning


  • The question paper for the CET will be set in English only. Translations in any languages will not be available.
  • The CET would be of 2 1/2 (Two and half) hours duration and would have a maximum of 200 marks.
  • The CET would have multiple choice objective type questions.

Distribution of Total Marks:

The following will be the Head wise distribution of the total marks of 240, on the basis of which the final University wise/ Category wise/ State level Merit lists will be drawn.

  1. Common Entrance Test (CET) – 200
  2. Group Discussion (GD) – 17
  3. Personal Interview (PI) – 17
  4. Past Academic Record (PAR ) – 4
  5. Work Experience (WE) – 2
  6. Total – 240

Negative Marking: The CET would not have negative marking.


The CET comprises multiple choice objective type questions in the areas of Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension, Quantitative Aptitude and Logical / Abstract Reasoning. In all there would be 200 questions to be answered in a total time of two and half hours (i.e. One hundred and fifty minutes).
Contents of the test of verbal ability and reading comprehension.
This is a test to see how well you know English language. In this test there will be passages with questions based on their contents to test your comprehension. Your English Language ability would be tested through questions on grammar, vocabulary, sentence completion, synonyms, antonyms, comprehension of passages etc. Your English language ability would be tested through questions on understanding of the contents of the passage and choice of appropriate words, phrases, expressions and similar language skills.
Contents of the test of quantitative aptitude
This test helps to know how fast and accurate you can work with numbers, do numerical calculations understand various arithmetic problems involving ratio and proportion, percentage, etc. This test also helps to measure your power of quantitative reasoning, interpretation of tables, common graphs and charts.
Contents of the test of logical / abstract reasoning
This test measures how quickly and accurately you can think. This test may have questions based on figures and diagrams and also questions on verbal reasoning.

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