Antonyms Online Test
Select the opposite meaning or antonym of the word given below:
'Fecund' means producing or capable of producing offspring, prolific which is the nearest opposite in meaning to 'infertile'.
'Feign' means to pretend, that is show what is not real or original. 'Original' is most opposite in meaning to 'feign'.
'Consanguine' means having the same ancestry or descent, which is the nearest opposite in meaning to 'different kind'. The other three words: Invisible - not perceptible by the eye; Urbane - reflecting elegance; Untenanted - not based or occupied by a tenant.
'Audacity' is audacious behaviour. If you are audacious, you take risks in order to achieve something. So it is a kind of bravery. Now, the opposite of bravery is cowardice.
'Inordinate' means not within proper or reasonable limits, immoderate which is the nearest opposite in meaning to 'moderate'. The other three words: Distant - for off or apart in space; Facile - easy; Attractive - having the quality of attracting.
Select the opposite meaning or antonym of the capitalized word in the given sentence:
Rockey's CRAVEN refusal to join the protest was criticized by his comrades.
The word 'craven' means cowardly; contemptibly turned which is the nearest opposite in meaning to 'bold'. The other three words: Strategic - important to strategy; Diplomatic - engaged in diplomacy; Well-thought - nicely chalked out.
'Terse' means brief and pithy which is the nearest opposite in meaning to 'verbose' which means 'wordy'. The other three words: Protected - guarded; Slippery - likely to slip away or escape; Serene - calm or peaceful.
'Capricious' means changing behaviour suddenly in a way that is difficult to predict. 'Thoughtful' is most opposite in meaning to 'capricious'.
'Innocuous' is harmless or inoffensive. 'Offensive' is most opposite in meaning to 'innocuous'.
'Prepossessing' means that impresses favourably engaging or attractive which is the nearest opposite in meaning to 'unattractive'.
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