Spelling Online Test
Which bold word of the following sentence is misspelled or inappropriate?
We shall have to await (a)/and see if these measures (b)/ are sufficient (c)/to address (d)/ the problem.
It should be ‘wait’ in place of ‘await’
I patently (a)/ explained (b)/ to the customer that it was not possible (c)/ to fulfill his request. (d)
Correct spelling is ‘patiently’.
They patiently (a)/ explained (b)/ the procedure (c) for appling (d)/ for a loan to the villagers.
Correct spelling is ‘applying’.
The police stopped (a)/ him and asked for the lisence (b)/ which he unfortunately (c)/ did not carry while going (d)/ for the drive.
Correct spelling is ‘license’.
Had she not suppressed (a)/ all the details of her Company’s project (b)/ her Company would have bagged (c)/ the contract. (d)
The word ‘suppressed’ should be replaced by ‘revealed’ or ‘leaked’ in the sentence.
His father thought (a)/ that he had more potential (b)/ to become (c)/ an engineer then (d)/ a doctor.
It should ‘than’ instead of ‘then’.
The panel (a) is suppose (b)/ to meet tomorrow to sanction (c)/ the purchase (d)/ of new premises.
The word ‘suppose’ should be replaced by ‘supposed’.
Experts predict (a)/ there will be shortage (b)/ of investment (c)/ in the infrastructure (d)/ sector.
Apply ‘funds’ for ‘investment’.
Home loan borrowers (a)/ will be definitely (b)/ affected (c)/ since banks have raised their lending rates of interest. (d)
All correct
Since you are unable (a)/ to repay the loan you have no alternate (b)/ but to seek (c)/ an extension. (d)
It should be ‘altenative’ in place of ‘alternate’.
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