Spelling Online Test
Which bold word of the following sentence is misspelled or inappropriate?
Though these programmes have proved (a)/ to be extremely (b)/ effective (c)/ they do have certain drawbacks. (d)
All correct
The panel (a) is suppose (b)/ to meet tomorrow to sanction (c)/ the purchase (d)/ of new premises.
The word ‘suppose’ should be replaced by ‘supposed’.
Enforcement of laws and clean and efficiency (a)/ administration are fundamental (b)/ functions of the government machinery (c)/ known as bureaucracy. (d)
It should be ‘efficient’.
Although (a)/ I was paid significantly (b)/ low, I found my salary to be insufficient (c)/ or rather inadequate. (d)
use ‘sufficient’ in place of ‘insufficient’.
When the young artist returned (a)/ to his village, his family held a festive (b)/ dinner on its lawn to celebrate his triumpant (c)/ homecoming. (d)
The correct spelling should be ‘triumphant’.
Life is like a mirror (a)/ smile at it and its charmeng (b)/ frown (c)/ at it and it becomes sinister. (d)
The correct spelling is ‘charming’.
The Finance Minister has impressed (a)/ satisfaction (b)/ over the progress (c)/ made by regional (d)/ rural banks.
It should be ‘expressed’ in place of ‘impressed’.
It is difficullt (a)/ to see the picture (b)/ when you are inside (c)/ the frame. (d)
The correct spelling is difficult.
The unscrupulous (a)/ elements involved in snatching (b)/ ladies’ necklesses (c)/ have been arrested. (d)
The correct spelling is ‘necklaces’.
Since you are unable (a)/ to repay the loan you have no alternate (b)/ but to seek (c)/ an extension. (d)
It should be ‘altenative’ in place of ‘alternate’.
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