Synonyms Online Test
Select the nearest correct meaning or synonym of the word given below:
The word ‘Parsimonious’ means ‘frugal or stingy; excessively sparing’ which is nearest in meaning to ‘thrifty’ which means ‘prosperous or successful’. The other three words: Cunning – guile; Extravagant – excessively high; Upright –being in accord with what is right.
The word ‘probity’ means integrity or uprightness. The other three words: Impudence - insolence; Profane - irreligious; Preface - an introductory past.
Select the nearest correct meaning or synonym of the capitalized word in the given sentence:
The ACERBIC remarks of the manager were unwarranted.
‘Acerbic’ is used to describe something that is spoken or written in a way that is direct, clever, and cruel. ‘Bitter’ is the synonym of ‘Acerbic’.
I have lost my reputation and nothing can redeem it. That is, much though I may try, no good action on my part can bring my lost reputation back. In other words, I cannot recover my reputation.
The word ’ vicarious’ means Endured or done by one person substituting for another which is nearest in meaning to the phrase ‘Not experienced personally’. The other three words: Ambitious - strongly desirous; Nostalgic - homesickness; Vindictive - vengeful.
The word ‘To Browbeat’ means to intimidate by overbearing looks or bully which is nearest in meaning ‘to bully’.
We must prevent the PROLIFERATION of nuclear weapons.
‘Proliferation’ means the sudden increase in the number or amount of something i.e., increase.
The debate has INSTIGATED a full official enquiry into the incidence.
‘Instigate’ means to make something start or happen, usually something official i.e., incited.
The word ‘finesse’ means ‘skill in handling difficult situations’ which is nearest in meaning to ‘skill’. The other three words: Softness - smooth to touch; Charm - a power of pleasing or attracting; Gist - the main part of the matter.
If you abstain from something, you deliberately do not do it. ‘Restraint a limit or control on something.
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