Synonyms Online Test
Select the nearest correct meaning or synonym of the word given below:
The word ‘ornate’ means Elaborately, heavily or often excessively ornamented which is nearest in meaning to ‘richly decorated. The other three words: Dimension - range; Ancient - old; Vigour - active strength or force.
The word ‘Preposterous’ means ‘completely contrary to nature’ which is nearest in meaning to ‘Absurd’. The other three words: Careful – cautious; Casual – happening by chance, careless; Deterrent – serving or tending to deter.
The word ‘ferret out’ means to ‘search about’ which is nearest in meaning to ‘search’.
The word ‘Plaudit’ means a demonstration or sound of applause.
Select the nearest correct meaning or synonym of the capitalized word in the given sentence:
He was not at all ABASHED by her open admiration.
The word ‘abashed’ means ‘ashamed or embarrassed; disconcerted’ which is nearest in meaning to ‘embarrassed’. The other three words: Delighted - highly pleased; Piqued - to wounded; Livid - enraged
‘Niggardly’ is an adjective meaning ‘stingy’ or ‘miserly’. None of the words is a fit synonym. In such cases, we go for the word closest in meaning. Both penurious (very poor) and niggardly imply a lack of money, though in different senses.
The word ‘Tenuous’ means thin or slender in a form which is nearest in meaning to ‘slender’. The other three words: Contentious - quarrelsome; Dark - little as no light; Malfunctioning - to fail to function.
The word ‘Collateral’ means security pledged for the payment of a loan which is nearest in meaning to ‘guarantee’. The other three words: Pathetic - causing or evoking pity; Tension - annoying, wearisome; Magnanimous - high-winded, noble.
‘Watchfulness’ is the state of being constantly attentive and responsive to signs of opportunity, activity, or danger. ‘Vigil’ means careful and looking out for danger.
A visionary is one who has a vision for the future. All visionary ideas are dreams at one stage.
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