Synonyms Online Test
Select the nearest correct meaning or synonym of the word given below:
The word ‘Rescind’ means to revoke, repeal, or cancel.
I have lost my reputation and nothing can redeem it. That is, much though I may try, no good action on my part can bring my lost reputation back. In other words, I cannot recover my reputation.
The word ‘contiguous’ means ‘near’ which is nearest in meaning to ‘Adjoining’. The other three words: Tedious - tiresome and long; Quarrelsome - argumentative; Arduous - laborious.
If you are fastidious, you pay great attention to details. You like everything to be very neat, accurate, and orderly. ‘Exacting’ is most similar in meaning to fastidious.
Select the nearest correct meaning or synonym of the capitalized word in the given sentence:
He was not at all ABASHED by her open admiration.
The word ‘abashed’ means ‘ashamed or embarrassed; disconcerted’ which is nearest in meaning to ‘embarrassed’. The other three words: Delighted - highly pleased; Piqued - to wounded; Livid - enraged
The word ‘Augury’ is a sign of what will happen in the future; an omen. The other three answer choices: Dispute - to engage in argument; Altar - a platform, at which religious rites are performed; Place of refuge - a place of shelter.
The word ‘To eulogize’ means ‘to praise highly; commend’ which is nearest in meaning ‘to praise’.
A visionary is one who has a vision for the future. All visionary ideas are dreams at one stage.
He had INSIDIOUSLY wormed his way into her affections.
‘Insidious’ means spreading gradually or without being noticed but causing serious harm i.e., in a secret manner.
The word ‘Plaudit’ means a demonstration or sound of applause.
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