Synonyms Online Test
Select the nearest correct meaning or synonym of the capitalized word in the given sentence:
Monica was amazed at how AFFABLE his new employer was.
The word ‘affable’ means showing warmth and friendliness; which is nearest in meaning to ‘polite’. The other three words: Demanding - calling for intensive attention; Repulsive - causing aversion; Quality - conscious-organised.
Since our plans are AMORPHOUS we shall send you the detailed programme at a later date.
The word ‘amorphous’ means lacking definite form or shape which is nearest in meaning to formless. The other three words: Impractical - not practical or useful; Prohibitive - sufficient to prevent the use of something; Inimical - unfriendly.
Select the nearest correct meaning or synonym of the word given below:
Obvious means ‘clear’, ‘atrocious’ means ‘cruel’, ferocious means full of anger.
Her OSTENSIBLE calm masked a deep-seated fear.
‘Ostensible’ means seeming or stated to be real or true, when this is perhaps not the case i.e., apparent.
The word ‘Temerity’ means ‘reckless boldness; rashness’ which is nearest in meaning to the word ‘Audacity’. The other three words: Innocence - simplicity; Tendency - an inclination to something; Tenderness - not hard or tough.
‘TACITURNITY’ is the state or quality of being reserved or reticent in conversation. A taciturn person can speak but does not want to. In other words, he maintains a reserve.
‘Illicit’ means not sanctioned by law, ‘elicit’ means to draw a response with difficulty, ‘illegitimate’ means illegal/unlawful
The word ‘To Browbeat’ means to intimidate by overbearing looks or bully which is nearest in meaning ‘to bully’.
‘counsel’ also means ‘legal adviser’.
The word ‘forty winks’ means ‘sleeping for a short period of time’ which is nearest in meaning to ‘A short nap’.
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