
English placement test that is engaging and quick to fill out. Please note that the exam will be submitted automatically within a set time.

The question paper contains 200 questions from the following four sections:
1. English Language,
2. General Intelligence,
3. Quantitative Aptitude-Basic Arithmetic Skill and
4. General Awareness.
There was a negative marking of .25 Marks for each wrong answer.

The candidates have 02 hours to mark maximum correct answers in order to qualify this examination.

This question paper is very helpful for students preparing for SSC Combined Graduate Level Tier 1 Exam.

Edudose has provided this test in both English and Hindi mediums.


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1 / 140

Which of the following words fits gap 7?

Trust is the basis of human relationships. As trust between people grows, __(1)__ change and interpersonal dynamics are transformed. Diverse skills and abilities become __(2)__ and appreciated as strengths. People begin to __(3)__ one another’s attitudes and feelings. They learn to be __(4)__ instead of playing roles. As trust grows the barriers that prevent __(5)__ and openness lessen. People become more expressive, impulsive, frank and spontaneous. Their communication is efficient and clear. They risk __(6)__ and confrontation, opening the doors to deeper communication, involvement and commitment. Congestion and __(7)__ lessen.

2 / 140

Which of the following words fits gap 6?

Trust is the basis of human relationships. As trust between people grows, __(1)__ change and interpersonal dynamics are transformed. Diverse skills and abilities become __(2)__ and appreciated as strengths. People begin to __(3)__ one another’s attitudes and feelings. They learn to be __(4)__ instead of playing roles. As trust grows the barriers that prevent __(5)__ and openness lessen. People become more expressive, impulsive, frank and spontaneous. Their communication is efficient and clear. They risk __(6)__ and confrontation, opening the doors to deeper communication, involvement and commitment. Congestion and __(7)__ lessen.

3 / 140

Which of the following words fits gap 5?

Trust is the basis of human relationships. As trust between people grows, __(1)__ change and interpersonal dynamics are transformed. Diverse skills and abilities become __(2)__ and appreciated as strengths. People begin to __(3)__ one another’s attitudes and feelings. They learn to be __(4)__ instead of playing roles. As trust grows the barriers that prevent __(5)__ and openness lessen. People become more expressive, impulsive, frank and spontaneous. Their communication is efficient and clear. They risk __(6)__ and confrontation, opening the doors to deeper communication, involvement and commitment. Congestion and __(7)__ lessen.

4 / 140

Which of the following words fits gap 4?

Trust is the basis of human relationships. As trust between people grows, __(1)__ change and interpersonal dynamics are transformed. Diverse skills and abilities become __(2)__ and appreciated as strengths. People begin to __(3)__ one another’s attitudes and feelings. They learn to be __(4)__ instead of playing roles. As trust grows the barriers that prevent __(5)__ and openness lessen. People become more expressive, impulsive, frank and spontaneous. Their communication is efficient and clear. They risk __(6)__ and confrontation, opening the doors to deeper communication, involvement and commitment. Congestion and __(7)__ lessen.

5 / 140

Which of the following words fits gap 3?

Trust is the basis of human relationships. As trust between people grows, __(1)__ change and interpersonal dynamics are transformed. Diverse skills and abilities become __(2)__ and appreciated as strengths. People begin to __(3)__ one another’s attitudes and feelings. They learn to be __(4)__ instead of playing roles. As trust grows the barriers that prevent __(5)__ and openness lessen. People become more expressive, impulsive, frank and spontaneous. Their communication is efficient and clear. They risk __(6)__ and confrontation, opening the doors to deeper communication, involvement and commitment. Congestion and __(7)__ lessen.

6 / 140

Which of the following words fits gap 2?

Trust is the basis of human relationships. As trust between people grows, __(1)__ change and interpersonal dynamics are transformed. Diverse skills and abilities become __(2)__ and appreciated as strengths. People begin to __(3)__ one another’s attitudes and feelings. They learn to be __(4)__ instead of playing roles. As trust grows the barriers that prevent __(5)__ and openness lessen. People become more expressive, impulsive, frank and spontaneous. Their communication is efficient and clear. They risk __(6)__ and confrontation, opening the doors to deeper communication, involvement and commitment. Congestion and __(7)__ lessen.

7 / 140

Which of the following words fits gap 1?

Trust is the basis of human relationships. As trust between people grows, __(1)__ change and interpersonal dynamics are transformed. Diverse skills and abilities become __(2)__ and appreciated as strengths. People begin to __(3)__ one another’s attitudes and feelings. They learn to be __(4)__ instead of playing roles. As trust grows the barriers that prevent __(5)__ and openness lessen. People become more expressive, impulsive, frank and spontaneous. Their communication is efficient and clear. They risk __(6)__ and confrontation, opening the doors to deeper communication, involvement and commitment. Congestion and __(7)__ lessen.

8 / 140

Which of the following words fits gap 8?

The Government seems to be in right earnest to ensure more __(1)__ in governance. The Prime Minister’s announcement that his Government is __(2)__ drafting legislation to establish the citizen’s right to information is indeed welcome. Though the talk on the right to information is not new, we may __(3)__ the bill to be brought early this time. The previous Government had set up a high-level committee to prepare a draft bill. But nothing has been heard about the matter since, __(4)__ the committee did quite some work. The issue, however, has come to such a pass that a solution cannot be __(5)__ further. Sunlight is the best disinfectant, a foreign judge once said, while __(6)__ the unwarranted secrecy in an administrative system. When those in authority know that people have the right to ask questions and the government is under the __(7)__ to provide them with answers, __(8)__ of authority, or of public finances, for personal or party ends is less likely to happen.

9 / 140

Which of the following words fits gap 7?

The Government seems to be in right earnest to ensure more __(1)__ in governance. The Prime Minister’s announcement that his Government is __(2)__ drafting legislation to establish the citizen’s right to information is indeed welcome. Though the talk on the right to information is not new, we may __(3)__ the bill to be brought early this time. The previous Government had set up a high-level committee to prepare a draft bill. But nothing has been heard about the matter since, __(4)__ the committee did quite some work. The issue, however, has come to such a pass that a solution cannot be __(5)__ further. Sunlight is the best disinfectant, a foreign judge once said, while __(6)__ the unwarranted secrecy in an administrative system. When those in authority know that people have the right to ask questions and the government is under the __(7)__ to provide them with answers, __(8)__ of authority, or of public finances, for personal or party ends is less likely to happen.

10 / 140

Which of the following words fits gap 6?

The Government seems to be in right earnest to ensure more __(1)__ in governance. The Prime Minister’s announcement that his Government is __(2)__ drafting legislation to establish the citizen’s right to information is indeed welcome. Though the talk on the right to information is not new, we may __(3)__ the bill to be brought early this time. The previous Government had set up a high-level committee to prepare a draft bill. But nothing has been heard about the matter since, __(4)__ the committee did quite some work. The issue, however, has come to such a pass that a solution cannot be __(5)__ further. Sunlight is the best disinfectant, a foreign judge once said, while __(6)__ the unwarranted secrecy in an administrative system. When those in authority know that people have the right to ask questions and the government is under the __(7)__ to provide them with answers, __(8)__ of authority, or of public finances, for personal or party ends is less likely to happen.

11 / 140

Which of the following words fits gap 5?

The Government seems to be in right earnest to ensure more __(1)__ in governance. The Prime Minister’s announcement that his Government is __(2)__ drafting legislation to establish the citizen’s right to information is indeed welcome. Though the talk on the right to information is not new, we may __(3)__ the bill to be brought early this time. The previous Government had set up a high-level committee to prepare a draft bill. But nothing has been heard about the matter since, __(4)__ the committee did quite some work. The issue, however, has come to such a pass that a solution cannot be __(5)__ further. Sunlight is the best disinfectant, a foreign judge once said, while __(6)__ the unwarranted secrecy in an administrative system. When those in authority know that people have the right to ask questions and the government is under the __(7)__ to provide them with answers, __(8)__ of authority, or of public finances, for personal or party ends is less likely to happen.

12 / 140

Which of the following words fits gap 4?

The Government seems to be in right earnest to ensure more __(1)__ in governance. The Prime Minister’s announcement that his Government is __(2)__ drafting legislation to establish the citizen’s right to information is indeed welcome. Though the talk on the right to information is not new, we may __(3)__ the bill to be brought early this time. The previous Government had set up a high-level committee to prepare a draft bill. But nothing has been heard about the matter since, __(4)__ the committee did quite some work. The issue, however, has come to such a pass that a solution cannot be __(5)__ further. Sunlight is the best disinfectant, a foreign judge once said, while __(6)__ the unwarranted secrecy in an administrative system. When those in authority know that people have the right to ask questions and the government is under the __(7)__ to provide them with answers, __(8)__ of authority, or of public finances, for personal or party ends is less likely to happen.

13 / 140

Which of the following words fits gap 3?

The Government seems to be in right earnest to ensure more __(1)__ in governance. The Prime Minister’s announcement that his Government is __(2)__ drafting legislation to establish the citizen’s right to information is indeed welcome. Though the talk on the right to information is not new, we may __(3)__ the bill to be brought early this time. The previous Government had set up a high-level committee to prepare a draft bill. But nothing has been heard about the matter since, __(4)__ the committee did quite some work. The issue, however, has come to such a pass that a solution cannot be __(5)__ further. Sunlight is the best disinfectant, a foreign judge once said, while __(6)__ the unwarranted secrecy in an administrative system. When those in authority know that people have the right to ask questions and the government is under the __(7)__ to provide them with answers, __(8)__ of authority, or of public finances, for personal or party ends is less likely to happen.

14 / 140

Which of the following words fits gap 2?

The Government seems to be in right earnest to ensure more __(1)__ in governance. The Prime Minister’s announcement that his Government is __(2)__ drafting legislation to establish the citizen’s right to information is indeed welcome. Though the talk on the right to information is not new, we may __(3)__ the bill to be brought early this time. The previous Government had set up a high-level committee to prepare a draft bill. But nothing has been heard about the matter since, __(4)__ the committee did quite some work. The issue, however, has come to such a pass that a solution cannot be __(5)__ further. Sunlight is the best disinfectant, a foreign judge once said, while __(6)__ the unwarranted secrecy in an administrative system. When those in authority know that people have the right to ask questions and the government is under the __(7)__ to provide them with answers, __(8)__ of authority, or of public finances, for personal or party ends is less likely to happen.

15 / 140

Which of the following words fits gap 1?

The Government seems to be in right earnest to ensure more __(1)__ in governance. The Prime Minister’s announcement that his Government is __(2)__ drafting legislation to establish the citizen’s right to information is indeed welcome. Though the talk on the right to information is not new, we may __(3)__ the bill to be brought early this time. The previous Government had set up a high-level committee to prepare a draft bill. But nothing has been heard about the matter since, __(4)__ the committee did quite some work. The issue, however, has come to such a pass that a solution cannot be __(5)__ further. Sunlight is the best disinfectant, a foreign judge once said, while __(6)__ the unwarranted secrecy in an administrative system. When those in authority know that people have the right to ask questions and the government is under the __(7)__ to provide them with answers, __(8)__ of authority, or of public finances, for personal or party ends is less likely to happen.

16 / 140

Which of the following words fits gap 5?

Daydreaming is often overlooked as a proper dream and __(1)__ instead as wandering thoughts. However, the meanings to your nightly dream symbols are also __(2)__ to your daydreams. The contents in your daydreams are helpful in understanding your true feelings and will help you in __(3)__ your goals. Daydreaming is the spontaneous imagining or recalling of various images or experiences in the past or the future. When you daydream, you are accessing your right brain, which is the creative and feminine side of your personality. Worrying about something creates visual images in your brain of the worst outcome that you are imagining and is a form of daydreaming. By repeating these negative images in your mind, you are more likely to make them happen. So, the next time you start worrying, try to think of a positive outcome. Positive daydreaming is very healthy and acts as a temporary __(4)__ from the demands of reality. It is also a good way to __(5)__ built up frustrations without physically acting them out.

17 / 140

Which of the following words fits gap 4?

Daydreaming is often overlooked as a proper dream and __(1)__ instead as wandering thoughts. However, the meanings to your nightly dream symbols are also __(2)__ to your daydreams. The contents in your daydreams are helpful in understanding your true feelings and will help you in __(3)__ your goals. Daydreaming is the spontaneous imagining or recalling of various images or experiences in the past or the future. When you daydream, you are accessing your right brain, which is the creative and feminine side of your personality. Worrying about something creates visual images in your brain of the worst outcome that you are imagining and is a form of daydreaming. By repeating these negative images in your mind, you are more likely to make them happen. So, the next time you start worrying, try to think of a positive outcome. Positive daydreaming is very healthy and acts as a temporary __(4)__ from the demands of reality. It is also a good way to __(5)__ built up frustrations without physically acting them out.

18 / 140

Which of the following words fits gap 3?

Daydreaming is often overlooked as a proper dream and __(1)__ instead as wandering thoughts. However, the meanings to your nightly dream symbols are also __(2)__ to your daydreams. The contents in your daydreams are helpful in understanding your true feelings and will help you in __(3)__ your goals. Daydreaming is the spontaneous imagining or recalling of various images or experiences in the past or the future. When you daydream, you are accessing your right brain, which is the creative and feminine side of your personality. Worrying about something creates visual images in your brain of the worst outcome that you are imagining and is a form of daydreaming. By repeating these negative images in your mind, you are more likely to make them happen. So, the next time you start worrying, try to think of a positive outcome. Positive daydreaming is very healthy and acts as a temporary __(4)__ from the demands of reality. It is also a good way to __(5)__ built up frustrations without physically acting them out.

19 / 140

Which of the following words fits gap 2?

Daydreaming is often overlooked as a proper dream and __(1)__ instead as wandering thoughts. However, the meanings to your nightly dream symbols are also __(2)__ to your daydreams. The contents in your daydreams are helpful in understanding your true feelings and will help you in __(3)__ your goals. Daydreaming is the spontaneous imagining or recalling of various images or experiences in the past or the future. When you daydream, you are accessing your right brain, which is the creative and feminine side of your personality. Worrying about something creates visual images in your brain of the worst outcome that you are imagining and is a form of daydreaming. By repeating these negative images in your mind, you are more likely to make them happen. So, the next time you start worrying, try to think of a positive outcome. Positive daydreaming is very healthy and acts as a temporary __(4)__ from the demands of reality. It is also a good way to __(5)__ built up frustrations without physically acting them out.

20 / 140

Which of the following words fits gap 1?

Daydreaming is often overlooked as a proper dream and __(1)__ instead as wandering thoughts. However, the meanings to your nightly dream symbols are also __(2)__ to your daydreams. The contents in your daydreams are helpful in understanding your true feelings and will help you in __(3)__ your goals. Daydreaming is the spontaneous imagining or recalling of various images or experiences in the past or the future. When you daydream, you are accessing your right brain, which is the creative and feminine side of your personality. Worrying about something creates visual images in your brain of the worst outcome that you are imagining and is a form of daydreaming. By repeating these negative images in your mind, you are more likely to make them happen. So, the next time you start worrying, try to think of a positive outcome. Positive daydreaming is very healthy and acts as a temporary __(4)__ from the demands of reality. It is also a good way to __(5)__ built up frustrations without physically acting them out.

21 / 140

Which of the following words fits gap 10?

When sound __(1)__, the world of cinema, mime made a gracious exit. __(2)__ then, it stood proudly as a performing art in itself, independent and __(3)__ in style, approach, treatment and performance not matched however, by __(4)__ acceptance. During the silent era, actors in silent films had to __(5)__ totally on mime as the only way of __(6)__ their emotions, expressions, incidents, events and interactions between and among characters. German Expressionist cinema, the acting of classic performers like Charlie Chaplin, Harold Lloyd and Buster Keaton used mime they had __(7)__ as part of their theatrical __(8)__ in their films with great effect. A French mime artist once said, "Mime is the poetry of silence." But once talking __(9)__ entered the scenario, mime was __(10)__ ever used in films, even though a character introduced as a mime artist.

22 / 140

Which of the following words fits gap 9?

When sound __(1)__, the world of cinema, mime made a gracious exit. __(2)__ then, it stood proudly as a performing art in itself, independent and __(3)__ in style, approach, treatment and performance not matched however, by __(4)__ acceptance. During the silent era, actors in silent films had to __(5)__ totally on mime as the only way of __(6)__ their emotions, expressions, incidents, events and interactions between and among characters. German Expressionist cinema, the acting of classic performers like Charlie Chaplin, Harold Lloyd and Buster Keaton used mime they had __(7)__ as part of their theatrical __(8)__ in their films with great effect. A French mime artist once said, "Mime is the poetry of silence." But once talking __(9)__ entered the scenario, mime was __(10)__ ever used in films, even though a character introduced as a mime artist.

23 / 140

Which of the following words fits gap 8?

When sound __(1)__, the world of cinema, mime made a gracious exit. __(2)__ then, it stood proudly as a performing art in itself, independent and __(3)__ in style, approach, treatment and performance not matched however, by __(4)__ acceptance. During the silent era, actors in silent films had to __(5)__ totally on mime as the only way of __(6)__ their emotions, expressions, incidents, events and interactions between and among characters. German Expressionist cinema, the acting of classic performers like Charlie Chaplin, Harold Lloyd and Buster Keaton used mime they had __(7)__ as part of their theatrical __(8)__ in their films with great effect. A French mime artist once said, "Mime is the poetry of silence." But once talking __(9)__ entered the scenario, mime was __(10)__ ever used in films, even though a character introduced as a mime artist.

24 / 140

Which of the following words fits gap 7?

When sound __(1)__, the world of cinema, mime made a gracious exit. __(2)__ then, it stood proudly as a performing art in itself, independent and __(3)__ in style, approach, treatment and performance not matched however, by __(4)__ acceptance. During the silent era, actors in silent films had to __(5)__ totally on mime as the only way of __(6)__ their emotions, expressions, incidents, events and interactions between and among characters. German Expressionist cinema, the acting of classic performers like Charlie Chaplin, Harold Lloyd and Buster Keaton used mime they had __(7)__ as part of their theatrical __(8)__ in their films with great effect. A French mime artist once said, "Mime is the poetry of silence." But once talking __(9)__ entered the scenario, mime was __(10)__ ever used in films, even though a character introduced as a mime artist.

25 / 140

Which of the following words fits gap 6?

When sound __(1)__, the world of cinema, mime made a gracious exit. __(2)__ then, it stood proudly as a performing art in itself, independent and __(3)__ in style, approach, treatment and performance not matched however, by __(4)__ acceptance. During the silent era, actors in silent films had to __(5)__ totally on mime as the only way of __(6)__ their emotions, expressions, incidents, events and interactions between and among characters. German Expressionist cinema, the acting of classic performers like Charlie Chaplin, Harold Lloyd and Buster Keaton used mime they had __(7)__ as part of their theatrical __(8)__ in their films with great effect. A French mime artist once said, "Mime is the poetry of silence." But once talking __(9)__ entered the scenario, mime was __(10)__ ever used in films, even though a character introduced as a mime artist.

26 / 140

Which of the following words fits gap 5?

When sound __(1)__, the world of cinema, mime made a gracious exit. __(2)__ then, it stood proudly as a performing art in itself, independent and __(3)__ in style, approach, treatment and performance not matched however, by __(4)__ acceptance. During the silent era, actors in silent films had to __(5)__ totally on mime as the only way of __(6)__ their emotions, expressions, incidents, events and interactions between and among characters. German Expressionist cinema, the acting of classic performers like Charlie Chaplin, Harold Lloyd and Buster Keaton used mime they had __(7)__ as part of their theatrical __(8)__ in their films with great effect. A French mime artist once said, "Mime is the poetry of silence." But once talking __(9)__ entered the scenario, mime was __(10)__ ever used in films, even though a character introduced as a mime artist.

27 / 140

Which of the following words fits gap 4?

When sound __(1)__, the world of cinema, mime made a gracious exit. __(2)__ then, it stood proudly as a performing art in itself, independent and __(3)__ in style, approach, treatment and performance not matched however, by __(4)__ acceptance. During the silent era, actors in silent films had to __(5)__ totally on mime as the only way of __(6)__ their emotions, expressions, incidents, events and interactions between and among characters. German Expressionist cinema, the acting of classic performers like Charlie Chaplin, Harold Lloyd and Buster Keaton used mime they had __(7)__ as part of their theatrical __(8)__ in their films with great effect. A French mime artist once said, "Mime is the poetry of silence." But once talking __(9)__ entered the scenario, mime was __(10)__ ever used in films, even though a character introduced as a mime artist.

28 / 140

Which of the following words fits gap 3?

When sound __(1)__, the world of cinema, mime made a gracious exit. __(2)__ then, it stood proudly as a performing art in itself, independent and __(3)__ in style, approach, treatment and performance not matched however, by __(4)__ acceptance. During the silent era, actors in silent films had to __(5)__ totally on mime as the only way of __(6)__ their emotions, expressions, incidents, events and interactions between and among characters. German Expressionist cinema, the acting of classic performers like Charlie Chaplin, Harold Lloyd and Buster Keaton used mime they had __(7)__ as part of their theatrical __(8)__ in their films with great effect. A French mime artist once said, "Mime is the poetry of silence." But once talking __(9)__ entered the scenario, mime was __(10)__ ever used in films, even though a character introduced as a mime artist.

29 / 140

Which of the following words fits gap 2?

When sound __(1)__, the world of cinema, mime made a gracious exit. __(2)__ then, it stood proudly as a performing art in itself, independent and __(3)__ in style, approach, treatment and performance not matched however, by __(4)__ acceptance. During the silent era, actors in silent films had to __(5)__ totally on mime as the only way of __(6)__ their emotions, expressions, incidents, events and interactions between and among characters. German Expressionist cinema, the acting of classic performers like Charlie Chaplin, Harold Lloyd and Buster Keaton used mime they had __(7)__ as part of their theatrical __(8)__ in their films with great effect. A French mime artist once said, "Mime is the poetry of silence." But once talking __(9)__ entered the scenario, mime was __(10)__ ever used in films, even though a character introduced as a mime artist.

30 / 140

Which of the following words fits gap 1?

When sound __(1)__, the world of cinema, mime made a gracious exit. __(2)__ then, it stood proudly as a performing art in itself, independent and __(3)__ in style, approach, treatment and performance not matched however, by __(4)__ acceptance. During the silent era, actors in silent films had to __(5)__ totally on mime as the only way of __(6)__ their emotions, expressions, incidents, events and interactions between and among characters. German Expressionist cinema, the acting of classic performers like Charlie Chaplin, Harold Lloyd and Buster Keaton used mime they had __(7)__ as part of their theatrical __(8)__ in their films with great effect. A French mime artist once said, "Mime is the poetry of silence." But once talking __(9)__ entered the scenario, mime was __(10)__ ever used in films, even though a character introduced as a mime artist.

31 / 140

Which of the following words fits gap 10?

There was once a poet who fell upon such hard times that he was no longer able to __(1)__ his family. Hearing that the king greatly encouraged talent and was famed for his generosity, the poet set off for the Royal Palace. When brought __(2)__ the king, he __(3)__ low and requested permission to recite a poem. On hearing his recitation, the king was well pleased and asked him to name his reward. The poet, __(4)__ to a chessboard before the king, said, "your highness, if you place just one grain of rice on the first square of this chess-board, and double it for every square, I will consider myself well __(5)__" "Are you sure?" asked the king, greatly __(6)__ "Just grains of rice, not gold?" "Yes, your highness," affirmed the poet. "So, it shall be" ordered the king. His courtiers started __(7)__ the grain on the chess-board. One grain on the first square, two on the second, four on the third, __(8)__ on the fourth and so on. By the time they reached the tenth square, they had to place five hundred and twelve grains of rice. The number rose to lakhs on the twentieth square. When they __(9)__ the halfway mark, the grain count was over hundred crores! Soon the count __(10)__ to lakhs of crores and eventually the helpless king had to hand over his entire kingdom to the clever poet. And it all began with just one grain of rice.

32 / 140

Which of the following words fits gap 9?

There was once a poet who fell upon such hard times that he was no longer able to __(1)__ his family. Hearing that the king greatly encouraged talent and was famed for his generosity, the poet set off for the Royal Palace. When brought __(2)__ the king, he __(3)__ low and requested permission to recite a poem. On hearing his recitation, the king was well pleased and asked him to name his reward. The poet, __(4)__ to a chessboard before the king, said, "your highness, if you place just one grain of rice on the first square of this chess-board, and double it for every square, I will consider myself well __(5)__" "Are you sure?" asked the king, greatly __(6)__ "Just grains of rice, not gold?" "Yes, your highness," affirmed the poet. "So, it shall be" ordered the king. His courtiers started __(7)__ the grain on the chess-board. One grain on the first square, two on the second, four on the third, __(8)__ on the fourth and so on. By the time they reached the tenth square, they had to place five hundred and twelve grains of rice. The number rose to lakhs on the twentieth square. When they __(9)__ the halfway mark, the grain count was over hundred crores! Soon the count __(10)__ to lakhs of crores and eventually the helpless king had to hand over his entire kingdom to the clever poet. And it all began with just one grain of rice.

33 / 140

Which of the following words fits gap 8?

There was once a poet who fell upon such hard times that he was no longer able to __(1)__ his family. Hearing that the king greatly encouraged talent and was famed for his generosity, the poet set off for the Royal Palace. When brought __(2)__ the king, he __(3)__ low and requested permission to recite a poem. On hearing his recitation, the king was well pleased and asked him to name his reward. The poet, __(4)__ to a chessboard before the king, said, "your highness, if you place just one grain of rice on the first square of this chess-board, and double it for every square, I will consider myself well __(5)__" "Are you sure?" asked the king, greatly __(6)__ "Just grains of rice, not gold?" "Yes, your highness," affirmed the poet. "So, it shall be" ordered the king. His courtiers started __(7)__ the grain on the chess-board. One grain on the first square, two on the second, four on the third, __(8)__ on the fourth and so on. By the time they reached the tenth square, they had to place five hundred and twelve grains of rice. The number rose to lakhs on the twentieth square. When they __(9)__ the halfway mark, the grain count was over hundred crores! Soon the count __(10)__ to lakhs of crores and eventually the helpless king had to hand over his entire kingdom to the clever poet. And it all began with just one grain of rice.

34 / 140

Which of the following words fits gap 7?

There was once a poet who fell upon such hard times that he was no longer able to __(1)__ his family. Hearing that the king greatly encouraged talent and was famed for his generosity, the poet set off for the Royal Palace. When brought __(2)__ the king, he __(3)__ low and requested permission to recite a poem. On hearing his recitation, the king was well pleased and asked him to name his reward. The poet, __(4)__ to a chessboard before the king, said, "your highness, if you place just one grain of rice on the first square of this chess-board, and double it for every square, I will consider myself well __(5)__" "Are you sure?" asked the king, greatly __(6)__ "Just grains of rice, not gold?" "Yes, your highness," affirmed the poet. "So, it shall be" ordered the king. His courtiers started __(7)__ the grain on the chess-board. One grain on the first square, two on the second, four on the third, __(8)__ on the fourth and so on. By the time they reached the tenth square, they had to place five hundred and twelve grains of rice. The number rose to lakhs on the twentieth square. When they __(9)__ the halfway mark, the grain count was over hundred crores! Soon the count __(10)__ to lakhs of crores and eventually the helpless king had to hand over his entire kingdom to the clever poet. And it all began with just one grain of rice.

35 / 140

Which of the following words fits gap 6?

There was once a poet who fell upon such hard times that he was no longer able to __(1)__ his family. Hearing that the king greatly encouraged talent and was famed for his generosity, the poet set off for the Royal Palace. When brought __(2)__ the king, he __(3)__ low and requested permission to recite a poem. On hearing his recitation, the king was well pleased and asked him to name his reward. The poet, __(4)__ to a chessboard before the king, said, "your highness, if you place just one grain of rice on the first square of this chess-board, and double it for every square, I will consider myself well __(5)__" "Are you sure?" asked the king, greatly __(6)__ "Just grains of rice, not gold?" "Yes, your highness," affirmed the poet. "So, it shall be" ordered the king. His courtiers started __(7)__ the grain on the chess-board. One grain on the first square, two on the second, four on the third, __(8)__ on the fourth and so on. By the time they reached the tenth square, they had to place five hundred and twelve grains of rice. The number rose to lakhs on the twentieth square. When they __(9)__ the halfway mark, the grain count was over hundred crores! Soon the count __(10)__ to lakhs of crores and eventually the helpless king had to hand over his entire kingdom to the clever poet. And it all began with just one grain of rice.

36 / 140

Which of the following words fits gap 5?

There was once a poet who fell upon such hard times that he was no longer able to __(1)__ his family. Hearing that the king greatly encouraged talent and was famed for his generosity, the poet set off for the Royal Palace. When brought __(2)__ the king, he __(3)__ low and requested permission to recite a poem. On hearing his recitation, the king was well pleased and asked him to name his reward. The poet, __(4)__ to a chessboard before the king, said, "your highness, if you place just one grain of rice on the first square of this chess-board, and double it for every square, I will consider myself well __(5)__" "Are you sure?" asked the king, greatly __(6)__ "Just grains of rice, not gold?" "Yes, your highness," affirmed the poet. "So, it shall be" ordered the king. His courtiers started __(7)__ the grain on the chess-board. One grain on the first square, two on the second, four on the third, __(8)__ on the fourth and so on. By the time they reached the tenth square, they had to place five hundred and twelve grains of rice. The number rose to lakhs on the twentieth square. When they __(9)__ the halfway mark, the grain count was over hundred crores! Soon the count __(10)__ to lakhs of crores and eventually the helpless king had to hand over his entire kingdom to the clever poet. And it all began with just one grain of rice.

37 / 140

Which of the following words fits gap 4?

There was once a poet who fell upon such hard times that he was no longer able to __(1)__ his family. Hearing that the king greatly encouraged talent and was famed for his generosity, the poet set off for the Royal Palace. When brought __(2)__ the king, he __(3)__ low and requested permission to recite a poem. On hearing his recitation, the king was well pleased and asked him to name his reward. The poet, __(4)__ to a chessboard before the king, said, "your highness, if you place just one grain of rice on the first square of this chess-board, and double it for every square, I will consider myself well __(5)__" "Are you sure?" asked the king, greatly __(6)__ "Just grains of rice, not gold?" "Yes, your highness," affirmed the poet. "So, it shall be" ordered the king. His courtiers started __(7)__ the grain on the chess-board. One grain on the first square, two on the second, four on the third, __(8)__ on the fourth and so on. By the time they reached the tenth square, they had to place five hundred and twelve grains of rice. The number rose to lakhs on the twentieth square. When they __(9)__ the halfway mark, the grain count was over hundred crores! Soon the count __(10)__ to lakhs of crores and eventually the helpless king had to hand over his entire kingdom to the clever poet. And it all began with just one grain of rice.

38 / 140

Which of the following words fits gap 3?

There was once a poet who fell upon such hard times that he was no longer able to __(1)__ his family. Hearing that the king greatly encouraged talent and was famed for his generosity, the poet set off for the Royal Palace. When brought __(2)__ the king, he __(3)__ low and requested permission to recite a poem. On hearing his recitation, the king was well pleased and asked him to name his reward. The poet, __(4)__ to a chessboard before the king, said, "your highness, if you place just one grain of rice on the first square of this chess-board, and double it for every square, I will consider myself well __(5)__" "Are you sure?" asked the king, greatly __(6)__ "Just grains of rice, not gold?" "Yes, your highness," affirmed the poet. "So, it shall be" ordered the king. His courtiers started __(7)__ the grain on the chess-board. One grain on the first square, two on the second, four on the third, __(8)__ on the fourth and so on. By the time they reached the tenth square, they had to place five hundred and twelve grains of rice. The number rose to lakhs on the twentieth square. When they __(9)__ the halfway mark, the grain count was over hundred crores! Soon the count __(10)__ to lakhs of crores and eventually the helpless king had to hand over his entire kingdom to the clever poet. And it all began with just one grain of rice.

39 / 140

Which of the following words fits gap 2?

There was once a poet who fell upon such hard times that he was no longer able to __(1)__ his family. Hearing that the king greatly encouraged talent and was famed for his generosity, the poet set off for the Royal Palace. When brought __(2)__ the king, he __(3)__ low and requested permission to recite a poem. On hearing his recitation, the king was well pleased and asked him to name his reward. The poet, __(4)__ to a chessboard before the king, said, "your highness, if you place just one grain of rice on the first square of this chess-board, and double it for every square, I will consider myself well __(5)__" "Are you sure?" asked the king, greatly __(6)__ "Just grains of rice, not gold?" "Yes, your highness," affirmed the poet. "So, it shall be" ordered the king. His courtiers started __(7)__ the grain on the chess-board. One grain on the first square, two on the second, four on the third, __(8)__ on the fourth and so on. By the time they reached the tenth square, they had to place five hundred and twelve grains of rice. The number rose to lakhs on the twentieth square. When they __(9)__ the halfway mark, the grain count was over hundred crores! Soon the count __(10)__ to lakhs of crores and eventually the helpless king had to hand over his entire kingdom to the clever poet. And it all began with just one grain of rice.

40 / 140

Which of the following words fits gap 1?

There was once a poet who fell upon such hard times that he was no longer able to __(1)__ his family. Hearing that the king greatly encouraged talent and was famed for his generosity, the poet set off for the Royal Palace. When brought __(2)__ the king, he __(3)__ low and requested permission to recite a poem. On hearing his recitation, the king was well pleased and asked him to name his reward. The poet, __(4)__ to a chessboard before the king, said, "your highness, if you place just one grain of rice on the first square of this chess-board, and double it for every square, I will consider myself well __(5)__" "Are you sure?" asked the king, greatly __(6)__ "Just grains of rice, not gold?" "Yes, your highness," affirmed the poet. "So, it shall be" ordered the king. His courtiers started __(7)__ the grain on the chess-board. One grain on the first square, two on the second, four on the third, __(8)__ on the fourth and so on. By the time they reached the tenth square, they had to place five hundred and twelve grains of rice. The number rose to lakhs on the twentieth square. When they __(9)__ the halfway mark, the grain count was over hundred crores! Soon the count __(10)__ to lakhs of crores and eventually the helpless king had to hand over his entire kingdom to the clever poet. And it all began with just one grain of rice.

41 / 140

Which of the following words fits gap 10?

Fourteen centuries ago, when the world was much younger, the ruler of all India, Rajah Balhait, was __(1)__ about his people. A new game of dice, called Hard, had __(2)__ the imagination of his subjects, teaching them that chance alone-a-roll of the dice guided the __(3)__ of men. All who played this game of fortune lost their __(4)__ in the virtues of courage, prudence, wisdom and hope. It bred a fatalism that was __(5)__ the spirit of the kingdom. Raja Balhait commissioned Sissa, an intelligent courter at his court to find an answer to this __(6)__. After much __(7)__ the clever Sissa invented another game. Chaturanga, the exact __(8)__ of Hard, in which the four elements of the Indian army were the key pieces. In the game these pieces – chariots, horses, elephants and foot soldiers – joined with a royal counsellor to defend their king and defeat the enemy. Forceful __(9)__ was demanded of the players? not luck. Chaturanga soon became more popular than Hard, and the __(10)__ to the Kingdom was over.

42 / 140

Which of the following words fits gap 9?

Fourteen centuries ago, when the world was much younger, the ruler of all India, Rajah Balhait, was __(1)__ about his people. A new game of dice, called Hard, had __(2)__ the imagination of his subjects, teaching them that chance alone-a-roll of the dice guided the __(3)__ of men. All who played this game of fortune lost their __(4)__ in the virtues of courage, prudence, wisdom and hope. It bred a fatalism that was __(5)__ the spirit of the kingdom. Raja Balhait commissioned Sissa, an intelligent courter at his court to find an answer to this __(6)__. After much __(7)__ the clever Sissa invented another game. Chaturanga, the exact __(8)__ of Hard, in which the four elements of the Indian army were the key pieces. In the game these pieces – chariots, horses, elephants and foot soldiers – joined with a royal counsellor to defend their king and defeat the enemy. Forceful __(9)__ was demanded of the players? not luck. Chaturanga soon became more popular than Hard, and the __(10)__ to the Kingdom was over.

43 / 140

Which of the following words fits gap 8?

Fourteen centuries ago, when the world was much younger, the ruler of all India, Rajah Balhait, was __(1)__ about his people. A new game of dice, called Hard, had __(2)__ the imagination of his subjects, teaching them that chance alone-a-roll of the dice guided the __(3)__ of men. All who played this game of fortune lost their __(4)__ in the virtues of courage, prudence, wisdom and hope. It bred a fatalism that was __(5)__ the spirit of the kingdom. Raja Balhait commissioned Sissa, an intelligent courter at his court to find an answer to this __(6)__. After much __(7)__ the clever Sissa invented another game. Chaturanga, the exact __(8)__ of Hard, in which the four elements of the Indian army were the key pieces. In the game these pieces – chariots, horses, elephants and foot soldiers – joined with a royal counsellor to defend their king and defeat the enemy. Forceful __(9)__ was demanded of the players? not luck. Chaturanga soon became more popular than Hard, and the __(10)__ to the Kingdom was over.

44 / 140

Which of the following words fits gap 1?

An old couple was asking for water on the pavement outside an office. They __(1)__ to be pitifully poor. When asked where they were __(2)__ to, they told that they had come from a __(3)__ village to get their cataract-afflicted eyes operated. But they were stranded. The stranger who had __(4)__ them there with a promise of treatment was __(5)__. Humanely, few staff members of the office arranged for their __(6)__ for a night and next day __(7)__ to a reputed hospital, whose eye surgeon had helped __(8)__ poor patients. He examined his new patients and got them admitted. The surgeon __(9)__ picked beggars from the streets and operated them for free. The old couple stayed in the hospital for a week and came out with a new __(10)__. They were now happier and healthier.

45 / 140

Which of the following words fits gap 2?

An old couple was asking for water on the pavement outside an office. They __(1)__ to be pitifully poor. When asked where they were __(2)__ to, they told that they had come from a __(3)__ village to get their cataract-afflicted eyes operated. But they were stranded. The stranger who had __(4)__ them there with a promise of treatment was __(5)__. Humanely, few staff members of the office arranged for their __(6)__ for a night and next day __(7)__ to a reputed hospital, whose eye surgeon had helped __(8)__ poor patients. He examined his new patients and got them admitted. The surgeon __(9)__ picked beggars from the streets and operated them for free. The old couple stayed in the hospital for a week and came out with a new __(10)__. They were now happier and healthier.

46 / 140

Which of the following words fits gap 3?

An old couple was asking for water on the pavement outside an office. They __(1)__ to be pitifully poor. When asked where they were __(2)__ to, they told that they had come from a __(3)__ village to get their cataract-afflicted eyes operated. But they were stranded. The stranger who had __(4)__ them there with a promise of treatment was __(5)__. Humanely, few staff members of the office arranged for their __(6)__ for a night and next day __(7)__ to a reputed hospital, whose eye surgeon had helped __(8)__ poor patients. He examined his new patients and got them admitted. The surgeon __(9)__ picked beggars from the streets and operated them for free. The old couple stayed in the hospital for a week and came out with a new __(10)__. They were now happier and healthier.

47 / 140

Which of the following words fits gap 4?

An old couple was asking for water on the pavement outside an office. They __(1)__ to be pitifully poor. When asked where they were __(2)__ to, they told that they had come from a __(3)__ village to get their cataract-afflicted eyes operated. But they were stranded. The stranger who had __(4)__ them there with a promise of treatment was __(5)__. Humanely, few staff members of the office arranged for their __(6)__ for a night and next day __(7)__ to a reputed hospital, whose eye surgeon had helped __(8)__ poor patients. He examined his new patients and got them admitted. The surgeon __(9)__ picked beggars from the streets and operated them for free. The old couple stayed in the hospital for a week and came out with a new __(10)__. They were now happier and healthier.

48 / 140

Which of the following words fits gap 5?

An old couple was asking for water on the pavement outside an office. They __(1)__ to be pitifully poor. When asked where they were __(2)__ to, they told that they had come from a __(3)__ village to get their cataract-afflicted eyes operated. But they were stranded. The stranger who had __(4)__ them there with a promise of treatment was __(5)__. Humanely, few staff members of the office arranged for their __(6)__ for a night and next day __(7)__ to a reputed hospital, whose eye surgeon had helped __(8)__ poor patients. He examined his new patients and got them admitted. The surgeon __(9)__ picked beggars from the streets and operated them for free. The old couple stayed in the hospital for a week and came out with a new __(10)__. They were now happier and healthier.

49 / 140

Which of the following words fits gap 6?

An old couple was asking for water on the pavement outside an office. They __(1)__ to be pitifully poor. When asked where they were __(2)__ to, they told that they had come from a __(3)__ village to get their cataract-afflicted eyes operated. But they were stranded. The stranger who had __(4)__ them there with a promise of treatment was __(5)__. Humanely, few staff members of the office arranged for their __(6)__ for a night and next day __(7)__ to a reputed hospital, whose eye surgeon had helped __(8)__ poor patients. He examined his new patients and got them admitted. The surgeon __(9)__ picked beggars from the streets and operated them for free. The old couple stayed in the hospital for a week and came out with a new __(10)__. They were now happier and healthier.

50 / 140

Which of the following words fits gap 7?

An old couple was asking for water on the pavement outside an office. They __(1)__ to be pitifully poor. When asked where they were __(2)__ to, they told that they had come from a __(3)__ village to get their cataract-afflicted eyes operated. But they were stranded. The stranger who had __(4)__ them there with a promise of treatment was __(5)__. Humanely, few staff members of the office arranged for their __(6)__ for a night and next day __(7)__ to a reputed hospital, whose eye surgeon had helped __(8)__ poor patients. He examined his new patients and got them admitted. The surgeon __(9)__ picked beggars from the streets and operated them for free. The old couple stayed in the hospital for a week and came out with a new __(10)__. They were now happier and healthier.

51 / 140

Which of the following words fits gap 8?

An old couple was asking for water on the pavement outside an office. They __(1)__ to be pitifully poor. When asked where they were __(2)__ to, they told that they had come from a __(3)__ village to get their cataract-afflicted eyes operated. But they were stranded. The stranger who had __(4)__ them there with a promise of treatment was __(5)__. Humanely, few staff members of the office arranged for their __(6)__ for a night and next day __(7)__ to a reputed hospital, whose eye surgeon had helped __(8)__ poor patients. He examined his new patients and got them admitted. The surgeon __(9)__ picked beggars from the streets and operated them for free. The old couple stayed in the hospital for a week and came out with a new __(10)__. They were now happier and healthier.

52 / 140

Which of the following words fits gap 9?

An old couple was asking for water on the pavement outside an office. They __(1)__ to be pitifully poor. When asked where they were __(2)__ to, they told that they had come from a __(3)__ village to get their cataract-afflicted eyes operated. But they were stranded. The stranger who had __(4)__ them there with a promise of treatment was __(5)__. Humanely, few staff members of the office arranged for their __(6)__ for a night and next day __(7)__ to a reputed hospital, whose eye surgeon had helped __(8)__ poor patients. He examined his new patients and got them admitted. The surgeon __(9)__ picked beggars from the streets and operated them for free. The old couple stayed in the hospital for a week and came out with a new __(10)__. They were now happier and healthier.

53 / 140

Which of the following words fits gap 10?

An old couple was asking for water on the pavement outside an office. They __(1)__ to be pitifully poor. When asked where they were __(2)__ to, they told that they had come from a __(3)__ village to get their cataract-afflicted eyes operated. But they were stranded. The stranger who had __(4)__ them there with a promise of treatment was __(5)__. Humanely, few staff members of the office arranged for their __(6)__ for a night and next day __(7)__ to a reputed hospital, whose eye surgeon had helped __(8)__ poor patients. He examined his new patients and got them admitted. The surgeon __(9)__ picked beggars from the streets and operated them for free. The old couple stayed in the hospital for a week and came out with a new __(10)__. They were now happier and healthier.

54 / 140

Which of the following words fits gap 1?

Recently I visited Moscow, a Russian city __(1)__ many war memorials. There is a huge park in Russia __(2)__ as Peace Park. In the middle of the park __(3)__ a pillar on which the different battles fought by the Russians have been mentioned alongwith the names and the places. As I was standing under a tree my eyes __(4)__ on a young couple who had just been married. I started wondering __(5)__ they had come to this monument on their wedding day. They walked up to the monument, __(6)__ down a bouquet, bowed their heads in silence and walked away. I was __(7)__ to know what was going on, so I asked the tourist guide. "Oh, it is a __(8)__ in Russia," he said. "Every couple must visit an important national monument nearby on their wedding day. It is a mark of gratitude. Our forefathers have __(9)__ so much for the country. The newly married couple needs to __(10)__ they are free and living in a peaceful country because of their ancestors' sacrifices. They must ask for their blessings.

55 / 140

Which of the following words fits gap 2?

Recently I visited Moscow, a Russian city __(1)__ many war memorials. There is a huge park in Russia __(2)__ as Peace Park. In the middle of the park __(3)__ a pillar on which the different battles fought by the Russians have been mentioned alongwith the names and the places. As I was standing under a tree my eyes __(4)__ on a young couple who had just been married. I started wondering __(5)__ they had come to this monument on their wedding day. They walked up to the monument, __(6)__ down a bouquet, bowed their heads in silence and walked away. I was __(7)__ to know what was going on, so I asked the tourist guide. "Oh, it is a __(8)__ in Russia," he said. "Every couple must visit an important national monument nearby on their wedding day. It is a mark of gratitude. Our forefathers have __(9)__ so much for the country. The newly married couple needs to __(10)__ they are free and living in a peaceful country because of their ancestors' sacrifices. They must ask for their blessings.

56 / 140

Which of the following words fits gap 3?

Recently I visited Moscow, a Russian city __(1)__ many war memorials. There is a huge park in Russia __(2)__ as Peace Park. In the middle of the park __(3)__ a pillar on which the different battles fought by the Russians have been mentioned alongwith the names and the places. As I was standing under a tree my eyes __(4)__ on a young couple who had just been married. I started wondering __(5)__ they had come to this monument on their wedding day. They walked up to the monument, __(6)__ down a bouquet, bowed their heads in silence and walked away. I was __(7)__ to know what was going on, so I asked the tourist guide. "Oh, it is a __(8)__ in Russia," he said. "Every couple must visit an important national monument nearby on their wedding day. It is a mark of gratitude. Our forefathers have __(9)__ so much for the country. The newly married couple needs to __(10)__ they are free and living in a peaceful country because of their ancestors' sacrifices. They must ask for their blessings.

57 / 140

Which of the following words fits gap 4?

Recently I visited Moscow, a Russian city __(1)__ many war memorials. There is a huge park in Russia __(2)__ as Peace Park. In the middle of the park __(3)__ a pillar on which the different battles fought by the Russians have been mentioned alongwith the names and the places. As I was standing under a tree my eyes __(4)__ on a young couple who had just been married. I started wondering __(5)__ they had come to this monument on their wedding day. They walked up to the monument, __(6)__ down a bouquet, bowed their heads in silence and walked away. I was __(7)__ to know what was going on, so I asked the tourist guide. "Oh, it is a __(8)__ in Russia," he said. "Every couple must visit an important national monument nearby on their wedding day. It is a mark of gratitude. Our forefathers have __(9)__ so much for the country. The newly married couple needs to __(10)__ they are free and living in a peaceful country because of their ancestors' sacrifices. They must ask for their blessings.

58 / 140

Which of the following words fits gap 5?

Recently I visited Moscow, a Russian city __(1)__ many war memorials. There is a huge park in Russia __(2)__ as Peace Park. In the middle of the park __(3)__ a pillar on which the different battles fought by the Russians have been mentioned alongwith the names and the places. As I was standing under a tree my eyes __(4)__ on a young couple who had just been married. I started wondering __(5)__ they had come to this monument on their wedding day. They walked up to the monument, __(6)__ down a bouquet, bowed their heads in silence and walked away. I was __(7)__ to know what was going on, so I asked the tourist guide. "Oh, it is a __(8)__ in Russia," he said. "Every couple must visit an important national monument nearby on their wedding day. It is a mark of gratitude. Our forefathers have __(9)__ so much for the country. The newly married couple needs to __(10)__ they are free and living in a peaceful country because of their ancestors' sacrifices. They must ask for their blessings.

59 / 140

Which of the following words fits gap 6?

Recently I visited Moscow, a Russian city __(1)__ many war memorials. There is a huge park in Russia __(2)__ as Peace Park. In the middle of the park __(3)__ a pillar on which the different battles fought by the Russians have been mentioned alongwith the names and the places. As I was standing under a tree my eyes __(4)__ on a young couple who had just been married. I started wondering __(5)__ they had come to this monument on their wedding day. They walked up to the monument, __(6)__ down a bouquet, bowed their heads in silence and walked away. I was __(7)__ to know what was going on, so I asked the tourist guide. "Oh, it is a __(8)__ in Russia," he said. "Every couple must visit an important national monument nearby on their wedding day. It is a mark of gratitude. Our forefathers have __(9)__ so much for the country. The newly married couple needs to __(10)__ they are free and living in a peaceful country because of their ancestors' sacrifices. They must ask for their blessings.

60 / 140

Which of the following words fits gap 7?

Recently I visited Moscow, a Russian city __(1)__ many war memorials. There is a huge park in Russia __(2)__ as Peace Park. In the middle of the park __(3)__ a pillar on which the different battles fought by the Russians have been mentioned alongwith the names and the places. As I was standing under a tree my eyes __(4)__ on a young couple who had just been married. I started wondering __(5)__ they had come to this monument on their wedding day. They walked up to the monument, __(6)__ down a bouquet, bowed their heads in silence and walked away. I was __(7)__ to know what was going on, so I asked the tourist guide. "Oh, it is a __(8)__ in Russia," he said. "Every couple must visit an important national monument nearby on their wedding day. It is a mark of gratitude. Our forefathers have __(9)__ so much for the country. The newly married couple needs to __(10)__ they are free and living in a peaceful country because of their ancestors' sacrifices. They must ask for their blessings.

61 / 140

Which of the following words fits gap 8?

Recently I visited Moscow, a Russian city __(1)__ many war memorials. There is a huge park in Russia __(2)__ as Peace Park. In the middle of the park __(3)__ a pillar on which the different battles fought by the Russians have been mentioned alongwith the names and the places. As I was standing under a tree my eyes __(4)__ on a young couple who had just been married. I started wondering __(5)__ they had come to this monument on their wedding day. They walked up to the monument, __(6)__ down a bouquet, bowed their heads in silence and walked away. I was __(7)__ to know what was going on, so I asked the tourist guide. "Oh, it is a __(8)__ in Russia," he said. "Every couple must visit an important national monument nearby on their wedding day. It is a mark of gratitude. Our forefathers have __(9)__ so much for the country. The newly married couple needs to __(10)__ they are free and living in a peaceful country because of their ancestors' sacrifices. They must ask for their blessings.

62 / 140

Which of the following words fits gap 9?

Recently I visited Moscow, a Russian city __(1)__ many war memorials. There is a huge park in Russia __(2)__ as Peace Park. In the middle of the park __(3)__ a pillar on which the different battles fought by the Russians have been mentioned alongwith the names and the places. As I was standing under a tree my eyes __(4)__ on a young couple who had just been married. I started wondering __(5)__ they had come to this monument on their wedding day. They walked up to the monument, __(6)__ down a bouquet, bowed their heads in silence and walked away. I was __(7)__ to know what was going on, so I asked the tourist guide. "Oh, it is a __(8)__ in Russia," he said. "Every couple must visit an important national monument nearby on their wedding day. It is a mark of gratitude. Our forefathers have __(9)__ so much for the country. The newly married couple needs to __(10)__ they are free and living in a peaceful country because of their ancestors' sacrifices. They must ask for their blessings.

63 / 140

Which of the following words fits gap 10?

Recently I visited Moscow, a Russian city __(1)__ many war memorials. There is a huge park in Russia __(2)__ as Peace Park. In the middle of the park __(3)__ a pillar on which the different battles fought by the Russians have been mentioned alongwith the names and the places. As I was standing under a tree my eyes __(4)__ on a young couple who had just been married. I started wondering __(5)__ they had come to this monument on their wedding day. They walked up to the monument, __(6)__ down a bouquet, bowed their heads in silence and walked away. I was __(7)__ to know what was going on, so I asked the tourist guide. "Oh, it is a __(8)__ in Russia," he said. "Every couple must visit an important national monument nearby on their wedding day. It is a mark of gratitude. Our forefathers have __(9)__ so much for the country. The newly married couple needs to __(10)__ they are free and living in a peaceful country because of their ancestors' sacrifices. They must ask for their blessings.

64 / 140

Which of the following words fits gap 1?

Haria, a poor barber lived alone in his small hut. He was __(1)__ to his work and whatever he earned was enough to fulfil his needs. One evening, after returning from work, Haria was hungry. Just as he was __(2)__ what he could cook for dinner he heard a hen clucking outside his hut. "That hen would make a great feast for me," thought Haria and prepared to catch the hen. With a little effort he __(3)__ in catching the hen and as he was about to kill the hen, it squeaked, "Please do not kill me, Oh kind man! I will help you." Haria stopped. __(4)__ he was surprised that the hen spoke, he asked, "How can you help me?" "If you __(5)__ my life, I will lay a golden egg for you every day," said the hen. Haria’s eyes __(6)__ in delight. Haria was surprised to hear this promise. "A golden egg! That too every day! But why should I believe you? You might be lying," said Haria. "If I do not lay a golden egg tomorrow, you can kill me," said the hen. After this promise, Haria spared the hen and __(7)__ for the next day. The next morning. Haria found a golden egg __(8)__ outside his hut and the hen sitting beside it. "It is true! You really can lay a golden egg!" exclaimed Haria with great delight. He did not __(9)__ this incident to anyone, __(10)__ that others would catch the hen.

65 / 140

Which of the following words fits gap 2?

Haria, a poor barber lived alone in his small hut. He was __(1)__ to his work and whatever he earned was enough to fulfil his needs. One evening, after returning from work, Haria was hungry. Just as he was __(2)__ what he could cook for dinner he heard a hen clucking outside his hut. "That hen would make a great feast for me," thought Haria and prepared to catch the hen. With a little effort he __(3)__ in catching the hen and as he was about to kill the hen, it squeaked, "Please do not kill me, Oh kind man! I will help you." Haria stopped. __(4)__ he was surprised that the hen spoke, he asked, "How can you help me?" "If you __(5)__ my life, I will lay a golden egg for you every day," said the hen. Haria’s eyes __(6)__ in delight. Haria was surprised to hear this promise. "A golden egg! That too every day! But why should I believe you? You might be lying," said Haria. "If I do not lay a golden egg tomorrow, you can kill me," said the hen. After this promise, Haria spared the hen and __(7)__ for the next day. The next morning. Haria found a golden egg __(8)__ outside his hut and the hen sitting beside it. "It is true! You really can lay a golden egg!" exclaimed Haria with great delight. He did not __(9)__ this incident to anyone, __(10)__ that others would catch the hen.

66 / 140

Which of the following words fits gap 3?

Haria, a poor barber lived alone in his small hut. He was __(1)__ to his work and whatever he earned was enough to fulfil his needs. One evening, after returning from work, Haria was hungry. Just as he was __(2)__ what he could cook for dinner he heard a hen clucking outside his hut. "That hen would make a great feast for me," thought Haria and prepared to catch the hen. With a little effort he __(3)__ in catching the hen and as he was about to kill the hen, it squeaked, "Please do not kill me, Oh kind man! I will help you." Haria stopped. __(4)__ he was surprised that the hen spoke, he asked, "How can you help me?" "If you __(5)__ my life, I will lay a golden egg for you every day," said the hen. Haria’s eyes __(6)__ in delight. Haria was surprised to hear this promise. "A golden egg! That too every day! But why should I believe you? You might be lying," said Haria. "If I do not lay a golden egg tomorrow, you can kill me," said the hen. After this promise, Haria spared the hen and __(7)__ for the next day. The next morning. Haria found a golden egg __(8)__ outside his hut and the hen sitting beside it. "It is true! You really can lay a golden egg!" exclaimed Haria with great delight. He did not __(9)__ this incident to anyone, __(10)__ that others would catch the hen.

67 / 140

Which of the following words fits gap 4?

Haria, a poor barber lived alone in his small hut. He was __(1)__ to his work and whatever he earned was enough to fulfil his needs. One evening, after returning from work, Haria was hungry. Just as he was __(2)__ what he could cook for dinner he heard a hen clucking outside his hut. "That hen would make a great feast for me," thought Haria and prepared to catch the hen. With a little effort he __(3)__ in catching the hen and as he was about to kill the hen, it squeaked, "Please do not kill me, Oh kind man! I will help you." Haria stopped. __(4)__ he was surprised that the hen spoke, he asked, "How can you help me?" "If you __(5)__ my life, I will lay a golden egg for you every day," said the hen. Haria’s eyes __(6)__ in delight. Haria was surprised to hear this promise. "A golden egg! That too every day! But why should I believe you? You might be lying," said Haria. "If I do not lay a golden egg tomorrow, you can kill me," said the hen. After this promise, Haria spared the hen and __(7)__ for the next day. The next morning. Haria found a golden egg __(8)__ outside his hut and the hen sitting beside it. "It is true! You really can lay a golden egg!" exclaimed Haria with great delight. He did not __(9)__ this incident to anyone, __(10)__ that others would catch the hen.

68 / 140

Which of the following words fits gap 5?

Haria, a poor barber lived alone in his small hut. He was __(1)__ to his work and whatever he earned was enough to fulfil his needs. One evening, after returning from work, Haria was hungry. Just as he was __(2)__ what he could cook for dinner he heard a hen clucking outside his hut. "That hen would make a great feast for me," thought Haria and prepared to catch the hen. With a little effort he __(3)__ in catching the hen and as he was about to kill the hen, it squeaked, "Please do not kill me, Oh kind man! I will help you." Haria stopped. __(4)__ he was surprised that the hen spoke, he asked, "How can you help me?" "If you __(5)__ my life, I will lay a golden egg for you every day," said the hen. Haria’s eyes __(6)__ in delight. Haria was surprised to hear this promise. "A golden egg! That too every day! But why should I believe you? You might be lying," said Haria. "If I do not lay a golden egg tomorrow, you can kill me," said the hen. After this promise, Haria spared the hen and __(7)__ for the next day. The next morning. Haria found a golden egg __(8)__ outside his hut and the hen sitting beside it. "It is true! You really can lay a golden egg!" exclaimed Haria with great delight. He did not __(9)__ this incident to anyone, __(10)__ that others would catch the hen.

69 / 140

Which of the following words fits gap 6?

Haria, a poor barber lived alone in his small hut. He was __(1)__ to his work and whatever he earned was enough to fulfil his needs. One evening, after returning from work, Haria was hungry. Just as he was __(2)__ what he could cook for dinner he heard a hen clucking outside his hut. "That hen would make a great feast for me," thought Haria and prepared to catch the hen. With a little effort he __(3)__ in catching the hen and as he was about to kill the hen, it squeaked, "Please do not kill me, Oh kind man! I will help you." Haria stopped. __(4)__ he was surprised that the hen spoke, he asked, "How can you help me?" "If you __(5)__ my life, I will lay a golden egg for you every day," said the hen. Haria’s eyes __(6)__ in delight. Haria was surprised to hear this promise. "A golden egg! That too every day! But why should I believe you? You might be lying," said Haria. "If I do not lay a golden egg tomorrow, you can kill me," said the hen. After this promise, Haria spared the hen and __(7)__ for the next day. The next morning. Haria found a golden egg __(8)__ outside his hut and the hen sitting beside it. "It is true! You really can lay a golden egg!" exclaimed Haria with great delight. He did not __(9)__ this incident to anyone, __(10)__ that others would catch the hen.

70 / 140

Which of the following words fits gap 7?

Haria, a poor barber lived alone in his small hut. He was __(1)__ to his work and whatever he earned was enough to fulfil his needs. One evening, after returning from work, Haria was hungry. Just as he was __(2)__ what he could cook for dinner he heard a hen clucking outside his hut. "That hen would make a great feast for me," thought Haria and prepared to catch the hen. With a little effort he __(3)__ in catching the hen and as he was about to kill the hen, it squeaked, "Please do not kill me, Oh kind man! I will help you." Haria stopped. __(4)__ he was surprised that the hen spoke, he asked, "How can you help me?" "If you __(5)__ my life, I will lay a golden egg for you every day," said the hen. Haria’s eyes __(6)__ in delight. Haria was surprised to hear this promise. "A golden egg! That too every day! But why should I believe you? You might be lying," said Haria. "If I do not lay a golden egg tomorrow, you can kill me," said the hen. After this promise, Haria spared the hen and __(7)__ for the next day. The next morning. Haria found a golden egg __(8)__ outside his hut and the hen sitting beside it. "It is true! You really can lay a golden egg!" exclaimed Haria with great delight. He did not __(9)__ this incident to anyone, __(10)__ that others would catch the hen.

71 / 140

Which of the following words fits gap 8?

Haria, a poor barber lived alone in his small hut. He was __(1)__ to his work and whatever he earned was enough to fulfil his needs. One evening, after returning from work, Haria was hungry. Just as he was __(2)__ what he could cook for dinner he heard a hen clucking outside his hut. "That hen would make a great feast for me," thought Haria and prepared to catch the hen. With a little effort he __(3)__ in catching the hen and as he was about to kill the hen, it squeaked, "Please do not kill me, Oh kind man! I will help you." Haria stopped. __(4)__ he was surprised that the hen spoke, he asked, "How can you help me?" "If you __(5)__ my life, I will lay a golden egg for you every day," said the hen. Haria’s eyes __(6)__ in delight. Haria was surprised to hear this promise. "A golden egg! That too every day! But why should I believe you? You might be lying," said Haria. "If I do not lay a golden egg tomorrow, you can kill me," said the hen. After this promise, Haria spared the hen and __(7)__ for the next day. The next morning. Haria found a golden egg __(8)__ outside his hut and the hen sitting beside it. "It is true! You really can lay a golden egg!" exclaimed Haria with great delight. He did not __(9)__ this incident to anyone, __(10)__ that others would catch the hen.

72 / 140

Which of the following words fits gap 9?

Haria, a poor barber lived alone in his small hut. He was __(1)__ to his work and whatever he earned was enough to fulfil his needs. One evening, after returning from work, Haria was hungry. Just as he was __(2)__ what he could cook for dinner he heard a hen clucking outside his hut. "That hen would make a great feast for me," thought Haria and prepared to catch the hen. With a little effort he __(3)__ in catching the hen and as he was about to kill the hen, it squeaked, "Please do not kill me, Oh kind man! I will help you." Haria stopped. __(4)__ he was surprised that the hen spoke, he asked, "How can you help me?" "If you __(5)__ my life, I will lay a golden egg for you every day," said the hen. Haria’s eyes __(6)__ in delight. Haria was surprised to hear this promise. "A golden egg! That too every day! But why should I believe you? You might be lying," said Haria. "If I do not lay a golden egg tomorrow, you can kill me," said the hen. After this promise, Haria spared the hen and __(7)__ for the next day. The next morning. Haria found a golden egg __(8)__ outside his hut and the hen sitting beside it. "It is true! You really can lay a golden egg!" exclaimed Haria with great delight. He did not __(9)__ this incident to anyone, __(10)__ that others would catch the hen.

73 / 140

Which of the following words fits gap 10?

Haria, a poor barber lived alone in his small hut. He was __(1)__ to his work and whatever he earned was enough to fulfil his needs. One evening, after returning from work, Haria was hungry. Just as he was __(2)__ what he could cook for dinner he heard a hen clucking outside his hut. "That hen would make a great feast for me," thought Haria and prepared to catch the hen. With a little effort he __(3)__ in catching the hen and as he was about to kill the hen, it squeaked, "Please do not kill me, Oh kind man! I will help you." Haria stopped. __(4)__ he was surprised that the hen spoke, he asked, "How can you help me?" "If you __(5)__ my life, I will lay a golden egg for you every day," said the hen. Haria’s eyes __(6)__ in delight. Haria was surprised to hear this promise. "A golden egg! That too every day! But why should I believe you? You might be lying," said Haria. "If I do not lay a golden egg tomorrow, you can kill me," said the hen. After this promise, Haria spared the hen and __(7)__ for the next day. The next morning. Haria found a golden egg __(8)__ outside his hut and the hen sitting beside it. "It is true! You really can lay a golden egg!" exclaimed Haria with great delight. He did not __(9)__ this incident to anyone, __(10)__ that others would catch the hen.

74 / 140

Which of the following words fits gap 1?

Once upon a time, there lived a peacock and a tortoise in close proximity and they became the best of friends. The peacock lived on a tree on the __(1)__ of a stream which was the home of the tortoise. It was a daily __(2)__ for the peacock to dance near the stream after he had a drink of water. He would display his great plumage for the amusement of his friend. One unfortunate day, a bird-catcher who was on the __(3)__ caught the peacock and was about to take him away to the market. The unhappy bird begged his captor to allow him to bid his friend the tortoise goodbye, as it would be the __(4)__ time, he would see him. The bird-catcher gave in to his request and took him to the tortoise. The tortoise was in tears to see his friend held __(5)__. The tortoise asked the bird catcher to let the peacock go; but he laughed at the request, saying that it was his means of livelihood. The tortoise then said, "If I give you an expensive present, will you let my friend go?" "Certainly," answered the bird-catcher. Whereupon, the tortoise __(6)__ into the water and in a few seconds came up with a handsome pearl, which he presented to the bird-catcher. This was beyond the man’s expectations, and he let the peacock go immediately. A short time after, the bird-catcher came back and told the tortoise that he thought he had not paid enough for the release of his friend, and __(7)__, that unless a match to the pearl was obtained for him, he would catch the peacock again. The tortoise, who had already __(8)__ his friend to shift to a distant jungle on being set free, was greatly __(9)__ by the greed of the bird - catcher. "Well," said the tortoise, "if you insist on having another pearl like the one, I gave you, give it back to me and I will fish you an exact match for it." The greediness of the bird-catcher prevented his reasoning and he __(10)__ gave the pearl to the clever tortoise. The tortoise swam out with it saying, "I am no fool to give you another pearl, your greediness has left you with nothing."

75 / 140

Which of the following words fits gap 2?

Once upon a time, there lived a peacock and a tortoise in close proximity and they became the best of friends. The peacock lived on a tree on the __(1)__ of a stream which was the home of the tortoise. It was a daily __(2)__ for the peacock to dance near the stream after he had a drink of water. He would display his great plumage for the amusement of his friend. One unfortunate day, a bird-catcher who was on the __(3)__ caught the peacock and was about to take him away to the market. The unhappy bird begged his captor to allow him to bid his friend the tortoise goodbye, as it would be the __(4)__ time, he would see him. The bird-catcher gave in to his request and took him to the tortoise. The tortoise was in tears to see his friend held __(5)__. The tortoise asked the bird catcher to let the peacock go; but he laughed at the request, saying that it was his means of livelihood. The tortoise then said, "If I give you an expensive present, will you let my friend go?" "Certainly," answered the bird-catcher. Whereupon, the tortoise __(6)__ into the water and in a few seconds came up with a handsome pearl, which he presented to the bird-catcher. This was beyond the man’s expectations, and he let the peacock go immediately. A short time after, the bird-catcher came back and told the tortoise that he thought he had not paid enough for the release of his friend, and __(7)__, that unless a match to the pearl was obtained for him, he would catch the peacock again. The tortoise, who had already __(8)__ his friend to shift to a distant jungle on being set free, was greatly __(9)__ by the greed of the bird - catcher. "Well," said the tortoise, "if you insist on having another pearl like the one, I gave you, give it back to me and I will fish you an exact match for it." The greediness of the bird-catcher prevented his reasoning and he __(10)__ gave the pearl to the clever tortoise. The tortoise swam out with it saying, "I am no fool to give you another pearl, your greediness has left you with nothing."

76 / 140

Which of the following words fits gap 3?

Once upon a time, there lived a peacock and a tortoise in close proximity and they became the best of friends. The peacock lived on a tree on the __(1)__ of a stream which was the home of the tortoise. It was a daily __(2)__ for the peacock to dance near the stream after he had a drink of water. He would display his great plumage for the amusement of his friend. One unfortunate day, a bird-catcher who was on the __(3)__ caught the peacock and was about to take him away to the market. The unhappy bird begged his captor to allow him to bid his friend the tortoise goodbye, as it would be the __(4)__ time, he would see him. The bird-catcher gave in to his request and took him to the tortoise. The tortoise was in tears to see his friend held __(5)__. The tortoise asked the bird catcher to let the peacock go; but he laughed at the request, saying that it was his means of livelihood. The tortoise then said, "If I give you an expensive present, will you let my friend go?" "Certainly," answered the bird-catcher. Whereupon, the tortoise __(6)__ into the water and in a few seconds came up with a handsome pearl, which he presented to the bird-catcher. This was beyond the man’s expectations, and he let the peacock go immediately. A short time after, the bird-catcher came back and told the tortoise that he thought he had not paid enough for the release of his friend, and __(7)__, that unless a match to the pearl was obtained for him, he would catch the peacock again. The tortoise, who had already __(8)__ his friend to shift to a distant jungle on being set free, was greatly __(9)__ by the greed of the bird - catcher. "Well," said the tortoise, "if you insist on having another pearl like the one, I gave you, give it back to me and I will fish you an exact match for it." The greediness of the bird-catcher prevented his reasoning and he __(10)__ gave the pearl to the clever tortoise. The tortoise swam out with it saying, "I am no fool to give you another pearl, your greediness has left you with nothing."

77 / 140

Which of the following words fits gap 4?

Once upon a time, there lived a peacock and a tortoise in close proximity and they became the best of friends. The peacock lived on a tree on the __(1)__ of a stream which was the home of the tortoise. It was a daily __(2)__ for the peacock to dance near the stream after he had a drink of water. He would display his great plumage for the amusement of his friend. One unfortunate day, a bird-catcher who was on the __(3)__ caught the peacock and was about to take him away to the market. The unhappy bird begged his captor to allow him to bid his friend the tortoise goodbye, as it would be the __(4)__ time, he would see him. The bird-catcher gave in to his request and took him to the tortoise. The tortoise was in tears to see his friend held __(5)__. The tortoise asked the bird catcher to let the peacock go; but he laughed at the request, saying that it was his means of livelihood. The tortoise then said, "If I give you an expensive present, will you let my friend go?" "Certainly," answered the bird-catcher. Whereupon, the tortoise __(6)__ into the water and in a few seconds came up with a handsome pearl, which he presented to the bird-catcher. This was beyond the man’s expectations, and he let the peacock go immediately. A short time after, the bird-catcher came back and told the tortoise that he thought he had not paid enough for the release of his friend, and __(7)__, that unless a match to the pearl was obtained for him, he would catch the peacock again. The tortoise, who had already __(8)__ his friend to shift to a distant jungle on being set free, was greatly __(9)__ by the greed of the bird - catcher. "Well," said the tortoise, "if you insist on having another pearl like the one, I gave you, give it back to me and I will fish you an exact match for it." The greediness of the bird-catcher prevented his reasoning and he __(10)__ gave the pearl to the clever tortoise. The tortoise swam out with it saying, "I am no fool to give you another pearl, your greediness has left you with nothing."

78 / 140

Which of the following words fits gap 5?

Once upon a time, there lived a peacock and a tortoise in close proximity and they became the best of friends. The peacock lived on a tree on the __(1)__ of a stream which was the home of the tortoise. It was a daily __(2)__ for the peacock to dance near the stream after he had a drink of water. He would display his great plumage for the amusement of his friend. One unfortunate day, a bird-catcher who was on the __(3)__ caught the peacock and was about to take him away to the market. The unhappy bird begged his captor to allow him to bid his friend the tortoise goodbye, as it would be the __(4)__ time, he would see him. The bird-catcher gave in to his request and took him to the tortoise. The tortoise was in tears to see his friend held __(5)__. The tortoise asked the bird catcher to let the peacock go; but he laughed at the request, saying that it was his means of livelihood. The tortoise then said, "If I give you an expensive present, will you let my friend go?" "Certainly," answered the bird-catcher. Whereupon, the tortoise __(6)__ into the water and in a few seconds came up with a handsome pearl, which he presented to the bird-catcher. This was beyond the man’s expectations, and he let the peacock go immediately. A short time after, the bird-catcher came back and told the tortoise that he thought he had not paid enough for the release of his friend, and __(7)__, that unless a match to the pearl was obtained for him, he would catch the peacock again. The tortoise, who had already __(8)__ his friend to shift to a distant jungle on being set free, was greatly __(9)__ by the greed of the bird - catcher. "Well," said the tortoise, "if you insist on having another pearl like the one, I gave you, give it back to me and I will fish you an exact match for it." The greediness of the bird-catcher prevented his reasoning and he __(10)__ gave the pearl to the clever tortoise. The tortoise swam out with it saying, "I am no fool to give you another pearl, your greediness has left you with nothing."

79 / 140

Which of the following words fits gap 6?

Once upon a time, there lived a peacock and a tortoise in close proximity and they became the best of friends. The peacock lived on a tree on the __(1)__ of a stream which was the home of the tortoise. It was a daily __(2)__ for the peacock to dance near the stream after he had a drink of water. He would display his great plumage for the amusement of his friend. One unfortunate day, a bird-catcher who was on the __(3)__ caught the peacock and was about to take him away to the market. The unhappy bird begged his captor to allow him to bid his friend the tortoise goodbye, as it would be the __(4)__ time, he would see him. The bird-catcher gave in to his request and took him to the tortoise. The tortoise was in tears to see his friend held __(5)__. The tortoise asked the bird catcher to let the peacock go; but he laughed at the request, saying that it was his means of livelihood. The tortoise then said, "If I give you an expensive present, will you let my friend go?" "Certainly," answered the bird-catcher. Whereupon, the tortoise __(6)__ into the water and in a few seconds came up with a handsome pearl, which he presented to the bird-catcher. This was beyond the man’s expectations, and he let the peacock go immediately. A short time after, the bird-catcher came back and told the tortoise that he thought he had not paid enough for the release of his friend, and __(7)__, that unless a match to the pearl was obtained for him, he would catch the peacock again. The tortoise, who had already __(8)__ his friend to shift to a distant jungle on being set free, was greatly __(9)__ by the greed of the bird - catcher. "Well," said the tortoise, "if you insist on having another pearl like the one, I gave you, give it back to me and I will fish you an exact match for it." The greediness of the bird-catcher prevented his reasoning and he __(10)__ gave the pearl to the clever tortoise. The tortoise swam out with it saying, "I am no fool to give you another pearl, your greediness has left you with nothing."

80 / 140

Which of the following words fits gap 7?

Once upon a time, there lived a peacock and a tortoise in close proximity and they became the best of friends. The peacock lived on a tree on the __(1)__ of a stream which was the home of the tortoise. It was a daily __(2)__ for the peacock to dance near the stream after he had a drink of water. He would display his great plumage for the amusement of his friend. One unfortunate day, a bird-catcher who was on the __(3)__ caught the peacock and was about to take him away to the market. The unhappy bird begged his captor to allow him to bid his friend the tortoise goodbye, as it would be the __(4)__ time, he would see him. The bird-catcher gave in to his request and took him to the tortoise. The tortoise was in tears to see his friend held __(5)__. The tortoise asked the bird catcher to let the peacock go; but he laughed at the request, saying that it was his means of livelihood. The tortoise then said, "If I give you an expensive present, will you let my friend go?" "Certainly," answered the bird-catcher. Whereupon, the tortoise __(6)__ into the water and in a few seconds came up with a handsome pearl, which he presented to the bird-catcher. This was beyond the man’s expectations, and he let the peacock go immediately. A short time after, the bird-catcher came back and told the tortoise that he thought he had not paid enough for the release of his friend, and __(7)__, that unless a match to the pearl was obtained for him, he would catch the peacock again. The tortoise, who had already __(8)__ his friend to shift to a distant jungle on being set free, was greatly __(9)__ by the greed of the bird - catcher. "Well," said the tortoise, "if you insist on having another pearl like the one, I gave you, give it back to me and I will fish you an exact match for it." The greediness of the bird-catcher prevented his reasoning and he __(10)__ gave the pearl to the clever tortoise. The tortoise swam out with it saying, "I am no fool to give you another pearl, your greediness has left you with nothing."

81 / 140

Which of the following words fits gap 8?

Once upon a time, there lived a peacock and a tortoise in close proximity and they became the best of friends. The peacock lived on a tree on the __(1)__ of a stream which was the home of the tortoise. It was a daily __(2)__ for the peacock to dance near the stream after he had a drink of water. He would display his great plumage for the amusement of his friend. One unfortunate day, a bird-catcher who was on the __(3)__ caught the peacock and was about to take him away to the market. The unhappy bird begged his captor to allow him to bid his friend the tortoise goodbye, as it would be the __(4)__ time, he would see him. The bird-catcher gave in to his request and took him to the tortoise. The tortoise was in tears to see his friend held __(5)__. The tortoise asked the bird catcher to let the peacock go; but he laughed at the request, saying that it was his means of livelihood. The tortoise then said, "If I give you an expensive present, will you let my friend go?" "Certainly," answered the bird-catcher. Whereupon, the tortoise __(6)__ into the water and in a few seconds came up with a handsome pearl, which he presented to the bird-catcher. This was beyond the man’s expectations, and he let the peacock go immediately. A short time after, the bird-catcher came back and told the tortoise that he thought he had not paid enough for the release of his friend, and __(7)__, that unless a match to the pearl was obtained for him, he would catch the peacock again. The tortoise, who had already __(8)__ his friend to shift to a distant jungle on being set free, was greatly __(9)__ by the greed of the bird - catcher. "Well," said the tortoise, "if you insist on having another pearl like the one, I gave you, give it back to me and I will fish you an exact match for it." The greediness of the bird-catcher prevented his reasoning and he __(10)__ gave the pearl to the clever tortoise. The tortoise swam out with it saying, "I am no fool to give you another pearl, your greediness has left you with nothing."

82 / 140

Which of the following words fits gap 9?

Once upon a time, there lived a peacock and a tortoise in close proximity and they became the best of friends. The peacock lived on a tree on the __(1)__ of a stream which was the home of the tortoise. It was a daily __(2)__ for the peacock to dance near the stream after he had a drink of water. He would display his great plumage for the amusement of his friend. One unfortunate day, a bird-catcher who was on the __(3)__ caught the peacock and was about to take him away to the market. The unhappy bird begged his captor to allow him to bid his friend the tortoise goodbye, as it would be the __(4)__ time, he would see him. The bird-catcher gave in to his request and took him to the tortoise. The tortoise was in tears to see his friend held __(5)__. The tortoise asked the bird catcher to let the peacock go; but he laughed at the request, saying that it was his means of livelihood. The tortoise then said, "If I give you an expensive present, will you let my friend go?" "Certainly," answered the bird-catcher. Whereupon, the tortoise __(6)__ into the water and in a few seconds came up with a handsome pearl, which he presented to the bird-catcher. This was beyond the man’s expectations, and he let the peacock go immediately. A short time after, the bird-catcher came back and told the tortoise that he thought he had not paid enough for the release of his friend, and __(7)__, that unless a match to the pearl was obtained for him, he would catch the peacock again. The tortoise, who had already __(8)__ his friend to shift to a distant jungle on being set free, was greatly __(9)__ by the greed of the bird - catcher. "Well," said the tortoise, "if you insist on having another pearl like the one, I gave you, give it back to me and I will fish you an exact match for it." The greediness of the bird-catcher prevented his reasoning and he __(10)__ gave the pearl to the clever tortoise. The tortoise swam out with it saying, "I am no fool to give you another pearl, your greediness has left you with nothing."

83 / 140

Which of the following words fits gap 10?

Once upon a time, there lived a peacock and a tortoise in close proximity and they became the best of friends. The peacock lived on a tree on the __(1)__ of a stream which was the home of the tortoise. It was a daily __(2)__ for the peacock to dance near the stream after he had a drink of water. He would display his great plumage for the amusement of his friend. One unfortunate day, a bird-catcher who was on the __(3)__ caught the peacock and was about to take him away to the market. The unhappy bird begged his captor to allow him to bid his friend the tortoise goodbye, as it would be the __(4)__ time, he would see him. The bird-catcher gave in to his request and took him to the tortoise. The tortoise was in tears to see his friend held __(5)__. The tortoise asked the bird catcher to let the peacock go; but he laughed at the request, saying that it was his means of livelihood. The tortoise then said, "If I give you an expensive present, will you let my friend go?" "Certainly," answered the bird-catcher. Whereupon, the tortoise __(6)__ into the water and in a few seconds came up with a handsome pearl, which he presented to the bird-catcher. This was beyond the man’s expectations, and he let the peacock go immediately. A short time after, the bird-catcher came back and told the tortoise that he thought he had not paid enough for the release of his friend, and __(7)__, that unless a match to the pearl was obtained for him, he would catch the peacock again. The tortoise, who had already __(8)__ his friend to shift to a distant jungle on being set free, was greatly __(9)__ by the greed of the bird - catcher. "Well," said the tortoise, "if you insist on having another pearl like the one, I gave you, give it back to me and I will fish you an exact match for it." The greediness of the bird-catcher prevented his reasoning and he __(10)__ gave the pearl to the clever tortoise. The tortoise swam out with it saying, "I am no fool to give you another pearl, your greediness has left you with nothing."

84 / 140

Which of the following words fits gap 1?

Once upon a time, there was a prince who wanted to marry a princess, but she would have to be a real princess. He __(1)__ all over the world to find one, but nowhere could he get what he wanted. One evening during a terrible storm; there was thunder and lightning, and the rain poured down in torrents. Suddenly a knocking was __(2)__ at the palace door, and the old king went to open it. It was a princess standing out there. But, good gracious! What a sight the rain and the wind had made her look. The water ran down her hair and clothes; into the toes of her shoes and out again at the heels. And yet she insisted that she was a real princess. Well, we’ll soon __(3)__ out, thought the old queen. But she said nothing, went into the bedroom, took all the bedding off the bedstead, and __(4)__ a pea on the bottom; then she took twenty mattresses and laid them on the pea, and then twenty quilts on __(5)__ of the mattresses. On this, the princess had to lie all night. In the __(6)__ she was asked how she had slept. "Oh, very badly!" said she. "I scarcely closed my eyes all night. Heaven only knows what was in the bed, but I was lying on something hard, as a __(7)__ I am black and blue all over my body. It’s horrible!". Now they knew that she was a real princess because she had __(8)__ the pea right through the twenty mattresses and the twenty quilts. Nobody but a real princess could be as __(9)__ as that. So, the prince took her for his wife, for now he __(10)__ that he had a real princess.

85 / 140

Which of the following words fits gap 2?

Once upon a time, there was a prince who wanted to marry a princess, but she would have to be a real princess. He __(1)__ all over the world to find one, but nowhere could he get what he wanted. One evening during a terrible storm; there was thunder and lightning, and the rain poured down in torrents. Suddenly a knocking was __(2)__ at the palace door, and the old king went to open it. It was a princess standing out there. But, good gracious! What a sight the rain and the wind had made her look. The water ran down her hair and clothes; into the toes of her shoes and out again at the heels. And yet she insisted that she was a real princess. Well, we’ll soon __(3)__ out, thought the old queen. But she said nothing, went into the bedroom, took all the bedding off the bedstead, and __(4)__ a pea on the bottom; then she took twenty mattresses and laid them on the pea, and then twenty quilts on __(5)__ of the mattresses. On this, the princess had to lie all night. In the __(6)__ she was asked how she had slept. "Oh, very badly!" said she. "I scarcely closed my eyes all night. Heaven only knows what was in the bed, but I was lying on something hard, as a __(7)__ I am black and blue all over my body. It’s horrible!". Now they knew that she was a real princess because she had __(8)__ the pea right through the twenty mattresses and the twenty quilts. Nobody but a real princess could be as __(9)__ as that. So, the prince took her for his wife, for now he __(10)__ that he had a real princess.

86 / 140

Which of the following words fits gap 3?

Once upon a time, there was a prince who wanted to marry a princess, but she would have to be a real princess. He __(1)__ all over the world to find one, but nowhere could he get what he wanted. One evening during a terrible storm; there was thunder and lightning, and the rain poured down in torrents. Suddenly a knocking was __(2)__ at the palace door, and the old king went to open it. It was a princess standing out there. But, good gracious! What a sight the rain and the wind had made her look. The water ran down her hair and clothes; into the toes of her shoes and out again at the heels. And yet she insisted that she was a real princess. Well, we’ll soon __(3)__ out, thought the old queen. But she said nothing, went into the bedroom, took all the bedding off the bedstead, and __(4)__ a pea on the bottom; then she took twenty mattresses and laid them on the pea, and then twenty quilts on __(5)__ of the mattresses. On this, the princess had to lie all night. In the __(6)__ she was asked how she had slept. "Oh, very badly!" said she. "I scarcely closed my eyes all night. Heaven only knows what was in the bed, but I was lying on something hard, as a __(7)__ I am black and blue all over my body. It’s horrible!". Now they knew that she was a real princess because she had __(8)__ the pea right through the twenty mattresses and the twenty quilts. Nobody but a real princess could be as __(9)__ as that. So, the prince took her for his wife, for now he __(10)__ that he had a real princess.

87 / 140

Which of the following words fits gap 4?

Once upon a time, there was a prince who wanted to marry a princess, but she would have to be a real princess. He __(1)__ all over the world to find one, but nowhere could he get what he wanted. One evening during a terrible storm; there was thunder and lightning, and the rain poured down in torrents. Suddenly a knocking was __(2)__ at the palace door, and the old king went to open it. It was a princess standing out there. But, good gracious! What a sight the rain and the wind had made her look. The water ran down her hair and clothes; into the toes of her shoes and out again at the heels. And yet she insisted that she was a real princess. Well, we’ll soon __(3)__ out, thought the old queen. But she said nothing, went into the bedroom, took all the bedding off the bedstead, and __(4)__ a pea on the bottom; then she took twenty mattresses and laid them on the pea, and then twenty quilts on __(5)__ of the mattresses. On this, the princess had to lie all night. In the __(6)__ she was asked how she had slept. "Oh, very badly!" said she. "I scarcely closed my eyes all night. Heaven only knows what was in the bed, but I was lying on something hard, as a __(7)__ I am black and blue all over my body. It’s horrible!". Now they knew that she was a real princess because she had __(8)__ the pea right through the twenty mattresses and the twenty quilts. Nobody but a real princess could be as __(9)__ as that. So, the prince took her for his wife, for now he __(10)__ that he had a real princess.

88 / 140

Which of the following words fits gap 5?

Once upon a time, there was a prince who wanted to marry a princess, but she would have to be a real princess. He __(1)__ all over the world to find one, but nowhere could he get what he wanted. One evening during a terrible storm; there was thunder and lightning, and the rain poured down in torrents. Suddenly a knocking was __(2)__ at the palace door, and the old king went to open it. It was a princess standing out there. But, good gracious! What a sight the rain and the wind had made her look. The water ran down her hair and clothes; into the toes of her shoes and out again at the heels. And yet she insisted that she was a real princess. Well, we’ll soon __(3)__ out, thought the old queen. But she said nothing, went into the bedroom, took all the bedding off the bedstead, and __(4)__ a pea on the bottom; then she took twenty mattresses and laid them on the pea, and then twenty quilts on __(5)__ of the mattresses. On this, the princess had to lie all night. In the __(6)__ she was asked how she had slept. "Oh, very badly!" said she. "I scarcely closed my eyes all night. Heaven only knows what was in the bed, but I was lying on something hard, as a __(7)__ I am black and blue all over my body. It’s horrible!". Now they knew that she was a real princess because she had __(8)__ the pea right through the twenty mattresses and the twenty quilts. Nobody but a real princess could be as __(9)__ as that. So, the prince took her for his wife, for now he __(10)__ that he had a real princess.

89 / 140

Which of the following words fits gap 6?

Once upon a time, there was a prince who wanted to marry a princess, but she would have to be a real princess. He __(1)__ all over the world to find one, but nowhere could he get what he wanted. One evening during a terrible storm; there was thunder and lightning, and the rain poured down in torrents. Suddenly a knocking was __(2)__ at the palace door, and the old king went to open it. It was a princess standing out there. But, good gracious! What a sight the rain and the wind had made her look. The water ran down her hair and clothes; into the toes of her shoes and out again at the heels. And yet she insisted that she was a real princess. Well, we’ll soon __(3)__ out, thought the old queen. But she said nothing, went into the bedroom, took all the bedding off the bedstead, and __(4)__ a pea on the bottom; then she took twenty mattresses and laid them on the pea, and then twenty quilts on __(5)__ of the mattresses. On this, the princess had to lie all night. In the __(6)__ she was asked how she had slept. "Oh, very badly!" said she. "I scarcely closed my eyes all night. Heaven only knows what was in the bed, but I was lying on something hard, as a __(7)__ I am black and blue all over my body. It’s horrible!". Now they knew that she was a real princess because she had __(8)__ the pea right through the twenty mattresses and the twenty quilts. Nobody but a real princess could be as __(9)__ as that. So, the prince took her for his wife, for now he __(10)__ that he had a real princess.

90 / 140

Which of the following words fits gap 7?

Once upon a time, there was a prince who wanted to marry a princess, but she would have to be a real princess. He __(1)__ all over the world to find one, but nowhere could he get what he wanted. One evening during a terrible storm; there was thunder and lightning, and the rain poured down in torrents. Suddenly a knocking was __(2)__ at the palace door, and the old king went to open it. It was a princess standing out there. But, good gracious! What a sight the rain and the wind had made her look. The water ran down her hair and clothes; into the toes of her shoes and out again at the heels. And yet she insisted that she was a real princess. Well, we’ll soon __(3)__ out, thought the old queen. But she said nothing, went into the bedroom, took all the bedding off the bedstead, and __(4)__ a pea on the bottom; then she took twenty mattresses and laid them on the pea, and then twenty quilts on __(5)__ of the mattresses. On this, the princess had to lie all night. In the __(6)__ she was asked how she had slept. "Oh, very badly!" said she. "I scarcely closed my eyes all night. Heaven only knows what was in the bed, but I was lying on something hard, as a __(7)__ I am black and blue all over my body. It’s horrible!". Now they knew that she was a real princess because she had __(8)__ the pea right through the twenty mattresses and the twenty quilts. Nobody but a real princess could be as __(9)__ as that. So, the prince took her for his wife, for now he __(10)__ that he had a real princess.

91 / 140

Which of the following words fits gap 8?

Once upon a time, there was a prince who wanted to marry a princess, but she would have to be a real princess. He __(1)__ all over the world to find one, but nowhere could he get what he wanted. One evening during a terrible storm; there was thunder and lightning, and the rain poured down in torrents. Suddenly a knocking was __(2)__ at the palace door, and the old king went to open it. It was a princess standing out there. But, good gracious! What a sight the rain and the wind had made her look. The water ran down her hair and clothes; into the toes of her shoes and out again at the heels. And yet she insisted that she was a real princess. Well, we’ll soon __(3)__ out, thought the old queen. But she said nothing, went into the bedroom, took all the bedding off the bedstead, and __(4)__ a pea on the bottom; then she took twenty mattresses and laid them on the pea, and then twenty quilts on __(5)__ of the mattresses. On this, the princess had to lie all night. In the __(6)__ she was asked how she had slept. "Oh, very badly!" said she. "I scarcely closed my eyes all night. Heaven only knows what was in the bed, but I was lying on something hard, as a __(7)__ I am black and blue all over my body. It’s horrible!". Now they knew that she was a real princess because she had __(8)__ the pea right through the twenty mattresses and the twenty quilts. Nobody but a real princess could be as __(9)__ as that. So, the prince took her for his wife, for now he __(10)__ that he had a real princess.

92 / 140

Which of the following words fits gap 9?

Once upon a time, there was a prince who wanted to marry a princess, but she would have to be a real princess. He __(1)__ all over the world to find one, but nowhere could he get what he wanted. One evening during a terrible storm; there was thunder and lightning, and the rain poured down in torrents. Suddenly a knocking was __(2)__ at the palace door, and the old king went to open it. It was a princess standing out there. But, good gracious! What a sight the rain and the wind had made her look. The water ran down her hair and clothes; into the toes of her shoes and out again at the heels. And yet she insisted that she was a real princess. Well, we’ll soon __(3)__ out, thought the old queen. But she said nothing, went into the bedroom, took all the bedding off the bedstead, and __(4)__ a pea on the bottom; then she took twenty mattresses and laid them on the pea, and then twenty quilts on __(5)__ of the mattresses. On this, the princess had to lie all night. In the __(6)__ she was asked how she had slept. "Oh, very badly!" said she. "I scarcely closed my eyes all night. Heaven only knows what was in the bed, but I was lying on something hard, as a __(7)__ I am black and blue all over my body. It’s horrible!". Now they knew that she was a real princess because she had __(8)__ the pea right through the twenty mattresses and the twenty quilts. Nobody but a real princess could be as __(9)__ as that. So, the prince took her for his wife, for now he __(10)__ that he had a real princess.

93 / 140

Which of the following words fits gap 10?

Once upon a time, there was a prince who wanted to marry a princess, but she would have to be a real princess. He __(1)__ all over the world to find one, but nowhere could he get what he wanted. One evening during a terrible storm; there was thunder and lightning, and the rain poured down in torrents. Suddenly a knocking was __(2)__ at the palace door, and the old king went to open it. It was a princess standing out there. But, good gracious! What a sight the rain and the wind had made her look. The water ran down her hair and clothes; into the toes of her shoes and out again at the heels. And yet she insisted that she was a real princess. Well, we’ll soon __(3)__ out, thought the old queen. But she said nothing, went into the bedroom, took all the bedding off the bedstead, and __(4)__ a pea on the bottom; then she took twenty mattresses and laid them on the pea, and then twenty quilts on __(5)__ of the mattresses. On this, the princess had to lie all night. In the __(6)__ she was asked how she had slept. "Oh, very badly!" said she. "I scarcely closed my eyes all night. Heaven only knows what was in the bed, but I was lying on something hard, as a __(7)__ I am black and blue all over my body. It’s horrible!". Now they knew that she was a real princess because she had __(8)__ the pea right through the twenty mattresses and the twenty quilts. Nobody but a real princess could be as __(9)__ as that. So, the prince took her for his wife, for now he __(10)__ that he had a real princess.

94 / 140

Which of the following words fits gap 1?

Fourteen centuries ago, when the world was much younger, the ruler of all India, Rajah Balhait, was __(1)__ about his people. A new game of dice, called Hard, had __(2)__ the imagination of his subjects, teaching them that chance alone-a-roll of the dice guided the __(3)__ of men. All who played this game of fortune lost their __(4)__ in the virtues of courage, prudence, wisdom and hope. It bred a fatalism that was __(5)__ the spirit of the kingdom. Raja Balhait commissioned Sissa, an intelligent courter at his court to find an answer to this __(6)__. After much __(7)__ the clever Sissa invented another game. Chaturanga, the exact __(8)__ of Hard, in which the four elements of the Indian army were the key pieces. In the game these pieces – chariots, horses, elephants and foot soldiers – joined with a royal counsellor to defend their king and defeat the enemy. Forceful __(9)__ was demanded of the players? not luck. Chaturanga soon became more popular than Hard, and the __(10)__ to the Kingdom was over.

95 / 140

Which of the following words fits gap 2?

Fourteen centuries ago, when the world was much younger, the ruler of all India, Rajah Balhait, was __(1)__ about his people. A new game of dice, called Hard, had __(2)__ the imagination of his subjects, teaching them that chance alone-a-roll of the dice guided the __(3)__ of men. All who played this game of fortune lost their __(4)__ in the virtues of courage, prudence, wisdom and hope. It bred a fatalism that was __(5)__ the spirit of the kingdom. Raja Balhait commissioned Sissa, an intelligent courter at his court to find an answer to this __(6)__. After much __(7)__ the clever Sissa invented another game. Chaturanga, the exact __(8)__ of Hard, in which the four elements of the Indian army were the key pieces. In the game these pieces – chariots, horses, elephants and foot soldiers – joined with a royal counsellor to defend their king and defeat the enemy. Forceful __(9)__ was demanded of the players? not luck. Chaturanga soon became more popular than Hard, and the __(10)__ to the Kingdom was over.

96 / 140

Which of the following words fits gap 3?

Fourteen centuries ago, when the world was much younger, the ruler of all India, Rajah Balhait, was __(1)__ about his people. A new game of dice, called Hard, had __(2)__ the imagination of his subjects, teaching them that chance alone-a-roll of the dice guided the __(3)__ of men. All who played this game of fortune lost their __(4)__ in the virtues of courage, prudence, wisdom and hope. It bred a fatalism that was __(5)__ the spirit of the kingdom. Raja Balhait commissioned Sissa, an intelligent courter at his court to find an answer to this __(6)__. After much __(7)__ the clever Sissa invented another game. Chaturanga, the exact __(8)__ of Hard, in which the four elements of the Indian army were the key pieces. In the game these pieces – chariots, horses, elephants and foot soldiers – joined with a royal counsellor to defend their king and defeat the enemy. Forceful __(9)__ was demanded of the players? not luck. Chaturanga soon became more popular than Hard, and the __(10)__ to the Kingdom was over.

97 / 140

Which of the following words fits gap 4?

Fourteen centuries ago, when the world was much younger, the ruler of all India, Rajah Balhait, was __(1)__ about his people. A new game of dice, called Hard, had __(2)__ the imagination of his subjects, teaching them that chance alone-a-roll of the dice guided the __(3)__ of men. All who played this game of fortune lost their __(4)__ in the virtues of courage, prudence, wisdom and hope. It bred a fatalism that was __(5)__ the spirit of the kingdom. Raja Balhait commissioned Sissa, an intelligent courter at his court to find an answer to this __(6)__. After much __(7)__ the clever Sissa invented another game. Chaturanga, the exact __(8)__ of Hard, in which the four elements of the Indian army were the key pieces. In the game these pieces – chariots, horses, elephants and foot soldiers – joined with a royal counsellor to defend their king and defeat the enemy. Forceful __(9)__ was demanded of the players? not luck. Chaturanga soon became more popular than Hard, and the __(10)__ to the Kingdom was over.

98 / 140

Which of the following words fits gap 5?

Fourteen centuries ago, when the world was much younger, the ruler of all India, Rajah Balhait, was __(1)__ about his people. A new game of dice, called Hard, had __(2)__ the imagination of his subjects, teaching them that chance alone-a-roll of the dice guided the __(3)__ of men. All who played this game of fortune lost their __(4)__ in the virtues of courage, prudence, wisdom and hope. It bred a fatalism that was __(5)__ the spirit of the kingdom. Raja Balhait commissioned Sissa, an intelligent courter at his court to find an answer to this __(6)__. After much __(7)__ the clever Sissa invented another game. Chaturanga, the exact __(8)__ of Hard, in which the four elements of the Indian army were the key pieces. In the game these pieces – chariots, horses, elephants and foot soldiers – joined with a royal counsellor to defend their king and defeat the enemy. Forceful __(9)__ was demanded of the players? not luck. Chaturanga soon became more popular than Hard, and the __(10)__ to the Kingdom was over.

99 / 140

Which of the following words fits gap 6?

Fourteen centuries ago, when the world was much younger, the ruler of all India, Rajah Balhait, was __(1)__ about his people. A new game of dice, called Hard, had __(2)__ the imagination of his subjects, teaching them that chance alone-a-roll of the dice guided the __(3)__ of men. All who played this game of fortune lost their __(4)__ in the virtues of courage, prudence, wisdom and hope. It bred a fatalism that was __(5)__ the spirit of the kingdom. Raja Balhait commissioned Sissa, an intelligent courter at his court to find an answer to this __(6)__. After much __(7)__ the clever Sissa invented another game. Chaturanga, the exact __(8)__ of Hard, in which the four elements of the Indian army were the key pieces. In the game these pieces – chariots, horses, elephants and foot soldiers – joined with a royal counsellor to defend their king and defeat the enemy. Forceful __(9)__ was demanded of the players? not luck. Chaturanga soon became more popular than Hard, and the __(10)__ to the Kingdom was over.

100 / 140

Which of the following words fits gap 7?

Fourteen centuries ago, when the world was much younger, the ruler of all India, Rajah Balhait, was __(1)__ about his people. A new game of dice, called Hard, had __(2)__ the imagination of his subjects, teaching them that chance alone-a-roll of the dice guided the __(3)__ of men. All who played this game of fortune lost their __(4)__ in the virtues of courage, prudence, wisdom and hope. It bred a fatalism that was __(5)__ the spirit of the kingdom. Raja Balhait commissioned Sissa, an intelligent courter at his court to find an answer to this __(6)__. After much __(7)__ the clever Sissa invented another game. Chaturanga, the exact __(8)__ of Hard, in which the four elements of the Indian army were the key pieces. In the game these pieces – chariots, horses, elephants and foot soldiers – joined with a royal counsellor to defend their king and defeat the enemy. Forceful __(9)__ was demanded of the players? not luck. Chaturanga soon became more popular than Hard, and the __(10)__ to the Kingdom was over.

101 / 140

Which of the following should be the FIRST sentence after rearrangement in proper order?

  • (A) Increased competition, globalization and the need for enormous resources have nudged priorities which once held the fort.
  • (B) In order to achieve these, hype and sensationalism is put in to spice up the news which have robbed news stories of credibility.
  • (C) This is only possible if a lot more thought is put into the gathering and presentation of the daily news and delivering it much more sensitively to its receivers/users.
  • (D) Technological innovation and economic change have transformed the news industry to the extent where its original definition as a public service no longer holds good.
  • (E) In order to win it back, the media should make full use of the tremendous power that the democracy blesses it with.
  • (F) These included public good and social responsibility. But sadly, today, these have made way for a business target of commercial viability and a chase of viewer-ship.

102 / 140

Which of the following should be the FIFTH sentence after rearrangement in proper order?

  • (A) Increased competition, globalization and the need for enormous resources have nudged priorities which once held the fort.
  • (B) In order to achieve these, hype and sensationalism is put in to spice up the news which have robbed news stories of credibility.
  • (C) This is only possible if a lot more thought is put into the gathering and presentation of the daily news and delivering it much more sensitively to its receivers/users.
  • (D) Technological innovation and economic change have transformed the news industry to the extent where its original definition as a public service no longer holds good.
  • (E) In order to win it back, the media should make full use of the tremendous power that the democracy blesses it with.
  • (F) These included public good and social responsibility. But sadly, today, these have made way for a business target of commercial viability and a chase of viewer-ship.

103 / 140

Which of the following should be the THIRD sentence after rearrangement in proper order?

  • (A) Increased competition, globalization and the need for enormous resources have nudged priorities which once held the fort.
  • (B) In order to achieve these, hype and sensationalism is put in to spice up the news which have robbed news stories of credibility.
  • (C) This is only possible if a lot more thought is put into the gathering and presentation of the daily news and delivering it much more sensitively to its receivers/users.
  • (D) Technological innovation and economic change have transformed the news industry to the extent where its original definition as a public service no longer holds good.
  • (E) In order to win it back, the media should make full use of the tremendous power that the democracy blesses it with.
  • (F) These included public good and social responsibility. But sadly, today, these have made way for a business target of commercial viability and a chase of viewer-ship.

104 / 140

Which of the following should be the SIXTH (LAST) sentence after rearrangement in proper order?

  • (A) Increased competition, globalization and the need for enormous resources have nudged priorities which once held the fort.
  • (B) In order to achieve these, hype and sensationalism is put in to spice up the news which have robbed news stories of credibility.
  • (C) This is only possible if a lot more thought is put into the gathering and presentation of the daily news and delivering it much more sensitively to its receivers/users.
  • (D) Technological innovation and economic change have transformed the news industry to the extent where its original definition as a public service no longer holds good.
  • (E) In order to win it back, the media should make full use of the tremendous power that the democracy blesses it with.
  • (F) These included public good and social responsibility. But sadly, today, these have made way for a business target of commercial viability and a chase of viewer-ship.

105 / 140

Which of the following should be the SECOND sentence after rearrangement in proper order?

  • (A) Increased competition, globalization and the need for enormous resources have nudged priorities which once held the fort.
  • (B) In order to achieve these, hype and sensationalism is put in to spice up the news which have robbed news stories of credibility.
  • (C) This is only possible if a lot more thought is put into the gathering and presentation of the daily news and delivering it much more sensitively to its receivers/users.
  • (D) Technological innovation and economic change have transformed the news industry to the extent where its original definition as a public service no longer holds good.
  • (E) In order to win it back, the media should make full use of the tremendous power that the democracy blesses it with.
  • (F) These included public good and social responsibility. But sadly, today, these have made way for a business target of commercial viability and a chase of viewer-ship.

106 / 140

Read the following passage and answer the question given below it:

“Uncle” said Luke to the old Sean. “You seem to be well-fed, though I know no one looks after you. Nor have I seen you leave your residence at any time. Tell me how do you manage it?”

“Because” Sean replied, “I have a good feed every night at the emperor’s orchard. After dark, I go there myself and pick out enough fruits to last a fortnight.” Luke proposed to accompany his uncle to the orchard. Though reluctant because of Luke’s habit of euphoric exhibition of extreme excitement, Sean agreed to take him along.

At the orchard, while Sean hurriedly collected the fruits and left, Luke on the other hand at the sight of unlimited supply of fruits was excited and lifted his voice which brought the emperor’s men immediately to his side. They seized him and mistook him as the sole cause of damage to the orchard. Although Luke reiterated that he was a bird of passage, they pounded him mercilessly before setting him free.

Choose the antonym to the word printed in bold as used in the passage: Pounded

107 / 140

Read the following passage and answer the question given below it:

“Uncle” said Luke to the old Sean. “You seem to be well-fed, though I know no one looks after you. Nor have I seen you leave your residence at any time. Tell me how do you manage it?”

“Because” Sean replied, “I have a good feed every night at the emperor’s orchard. After dark, I go there myself and pick out enough fruits to last a fortnight.” Luke proposed to accompany his uncle to the orchard. Though reluctant because of Luke’s habit of euphoric exhibition of extreme excitement, Sean agreed to take him along.

At the orchard, while Sean hurriedly collected the fruits and left, Luke on the other hand at the sight of unlimited supply of fruits was excited and lifted his voice which brought the emperor’s men immediately to his side. They seized him and mistook him as the sole cause of damage to the orchard. Although Luke reiterated that he was a bird of passage, they pounded him mercilessly before setting him free.

Choose the antonym to the word printed in bold as used in the passage: Mercilessly

108 / 140

Read the following passage and answer the question given below it:

“Uncle” said Luke to the old Sean. “You seem to be well-fed, though I know no one looks after you. Nor have I seen you leave your residence at any time. Tell me how do you manage it?”

“Because” Sean replied, “I have a good feed every night at the emperor’s orchard. After dark, I go there myself and pick out enough fruits to last a fortnight.” Luke proposed to accompany his uncle to the orchard. Though reluctant because of Luke’s habit of euphoric exhibition of extreme excitement, Sean agreed to take him along.

At the orchard, while Sean hurriedly collected the fruits and left, Luke on the other hand at the sight of unlimited supply of fruits was excited and lifted his voice which brought the emperor’s men immediately to his side. They seized him and mistook him as the sole cause of damage to the orchard. Although Luke reiterated that he was a bird of passage, they pounded him mercilessly before setting him free.

Choose the synonym to the word printed in bold as used in the passage: Extreme

109 / 140

Read the following passage and answer the question given below it:

“Uncle” said Luke to the old Sean. “You seem to be well-fed, though I know no one looks after you. Nor have I seen you leave your residence at any time. Tell me how do you manage it?”

“Because” Sean replied, “I have a good feed every night at the emperor’s orchard. After dark, I go there myself and pick out enough fruits to last a fortnight.” Luke proposed to accompany his uncle to the orchard. Though reluctant because of Luke’s habit of euphoric exhibition of extreme excitement, Sean agreed to take him along.

At the orchard, while Sean hurriedly collected the fruits and left, Luke on the other hand at the sight of unlimited supply of fruits was excited and lifted his voice which brought the emperor’s men immediately to his side. They seized him and mistook him as the sole cause of damage to the orchard. Although Luke reiterated that he was a bird of passage, they pounded him mercilessly before setting him free.

Choose the synonym to the word printed in bold as used in the passage: Accompany

110 / 140

Read the following passage and answer the question given below it:

“Uncle” said Luke to the old Sean. “You seem to be well-fed, though I know no one looks after you. Nor have I seen you leave your residence at any time. Tell me how do you manage it?”

“Because” Sean replied, “I have a good feed every night at the emperor’s orchard. After dark, I go there myself and pick out enough fruits to last a fortnight.” Luke proposed to accompany his uncle to the orchard. Though reluctant because of Luke’s habit of euphoric exhibition of extreme excitement, Sean agreed to take him along.

At the orchard, while Sean hurriedly collected the fruits and left, Luke on the other hand at the sight of unlimited supply of fruits was excited and lifted his voice which brought the emperor’s men immediately to his side. They seized him and mistook him as the sole cause of damage to the orchard. Although Luke reiterated that he was a bird of passage, they pounded him mercilessly before setting him free.

Choose the synonym to the word printed in bold as used in the passage: Reiterated

111 / 140

Read the following passage and answer the question given below it:

“Uncle” said Luke to the old Sean. “You seem to be well-fed, though I know no one looks after you. Nor have I seen you leave your residence at any time. Tell me how do you manage it?”

“Because” Sean replied, “I have a good feed every night at the emperor’s orchard. After dark, I go there myself and pick out enough fruits to last a fortnight.” Luke proposed to accompany his uncle to the orchard. Though reluctant because of Luke’s habit of euphoric exhibition of extreme excitement, Sean agreed to take him along.

At the orchard, while Sean hurriedly collected the fruits and left, Luke on the other hand at the sight of unlimited supply of fruits was excited and lifted his voice which brought the emperor’s men immediately to his side. They seized him and mistook him as the sole cause of damage to the orchard. Although Luke reiterated that he was a bird of passage, they pounded him mercilessly before setting him free.

Choose the synonym to the word printed in bold as used in the passage: Reluctant

112 / 140

Read the following passage and answer the question given below it:

“Uncle” said Luke to the old Sean. “You seem to be well-fed, though I know no one looks after you. Nor have I seen you leave your residence at any time. Tell me how do you manage it?”

“Because” Sean replied, “I have a good feed every night at the emperor’s orchard. After dark, I go there myself and pick out enough fruits to last a fortnight.” Luke proposed to accompany his uncle to the orchard. Though reluctant because of Luke’s habit of euphoric exhibition of extreme excitement, Sean agreed to take him along.

At the orchard, while Sean hurriedly collected the fruits and left, Luke on the other hand at the sight of unlimited supply of fruits was excited and lifted his voice which brought the emperor’s men immediately to his side. They seized him and mistook him as the sole cause of damage to the orchard. Although Luke reiterated that he was a bird of passage, they pounded him mercilessly before setting him free.

Why did Sean leave immediately after collecting the fruits?

113 / 140

Read the following passage and answer the question given below it:

“Uncle” said Luke to the old Sean. “You seem to be well-fed, though I know no one looks after you. Nor have I seen you leave your residence at any time. Tell me how do you manage it?”

“Because” Sean replied, “I have a good feed every night at the emperor’s orchard. After dark, I go there myself and pick out enough fruits to last a fortnight.” Luke proposed to accompany his uncle to the orchard. Though reluctant because of Luke’s habit of euphoric exhibition of extreme excitement, Sean agreed to take him along.

At the orchard, while Sean hurriedly collected the fruits and left, Luke on the other hand at the sight of unlimited supply of fruits was excited and lifted his voice which brought the emperor’s men immediately to his side. They seized him and mistook him as the sole cause of damage to the orchard. Although Luke reiterated that he was a bird of passage, they pounded him mercilessly before setting him free.

What does “bird of passage” mean in the context of the given passage?

114 / 140

Read the following passage and answer the question given below it:

“Uncle” said Luke to the old Sean. “You seem to be well-fed, though I know no one looks after you. Nor have I seen you leave your residence at any time. Tell me how do you manage it?”

“Because” Sean replied, “I have a good feed every night at the emperor’s orchard. After dark, I go there myself and pick out enough fruits to last a fortnight.” Luke proposed to accompany his uncle to the orchard. Though reluctant because of Luke’s habit of euphoric exhibition of extreme excitement, Sean agreed to take him along.

At the orchard, while Sean hurriedly collected the fruits and left, Luke on the other hand at the sight of unlimited supply of fruits was excited and lifted his voice which brought the emperor’s men immediately to his side. They seized him and mistook him as the sole cause of damage to the orchard. Although Luke reiterated that he was a bird of passage, they pounded him mercilessly before setting him free.

The emperor’s men seized Luke immediately because he:

115 / 140

Read the following passage and answer the question given below it:

“Uncle” said Luke to the old Sean. “You seem to be well-fed, though I know no one looks after you. Nor have I seen you leave your residence at any time. Tell me how do you manage it?”

“Because” Sean replied, “I have a good feed every night at the emperor’s orchard. After dark, I go there myself and pick out enough fruits to last a fortnight.” Luke proposed to accompany his uncle to the orchard. Though reluctant because of Luke’s habit of euphoric exhibition of extreme excitement, Sean agreed to take him along.

At the orchard, while Sean hurriedly collected the fruits and left, Luke on the other hand at the sight of unlimited supply of fruits was excited and lifted his voice which brought the emperor’s men immediately to his side. They seized him and mistook him as the sole cause of damage to the orchard. Although Luke reiterated that he was a bird of passage, they pounded him mercilessly before setting him free.

How often did Sean visit the emperor’s orchard?

116 / 140

Read the following passage and answer the question given below it:

“Uncle” said Luke to the old Sean. “You seem to be well-fed, though I know no one looks after you. Nor have I seen you leave your residence at any time. Tell me how do you manage it?”

“Because” Sean replied, “I have a good feed every night at the emperor’s orchard. After dark, I go there myself and pick out enough fruits to last a fortnight.” Luke proposed to accompany his uncle to the orchard. Though reluctant because of Luke’s habit of euphoric exhibition of extreme excitement, Sean agreed to take him along.

At the orchard, while Sean hurriedly collected the fruits and left, Luke on the other hand at the sight of unlimited supply of fruits was excited and lifted his voice which brought the emperor’s men immediately to his side. They seized him and mistook him as the sole cause of damage to the orchard. Although Luke reiterated that he was a bird of passage, they pounded him mercilessly before setting him free.

Which of the following is not true in the context of the passage?

117 / 140

Read the following passage and answer the question given below it:

“Uncle” said Luke to the old Sean. “You seem to be well-fed, though I know no one looks after you. Nor have I seen you leave your residence at any time. Tell me how do you manage it?”

“Because” Sean replied, “I have a good feed every night at the emperor’s orchard. After dark, I go there myself and pick out enough fruits to last a fortnight.” Luke proposed to accompany his uncle to the orchard. Though reluctant because of Luke’s habit of euphoric exhibition of extreme excitement, Sean agreed to take him along.

At the orchard, while Sean hurriedly collected the fruits and left, Luke on the other hand at the sight of unlimited supply of fruits was excited and lifted his voice which brought the emperor’s men immediately to his side. They seized him and mistook him as the sole cause of damage to the orchard. Although Luke reiterated that he was a bird of passage, they pounded him mercilessly before setting him free.

Which of the following can be inferred from the passage?

118 / 140

Read the following passage and answer the question given below it:

“Uncle” said Luke to the old Sean. “You seem to be well-fed, though I know no one looks after you. Nor have I seen you leave your residence at any time. Tell me how do you manage it?”

“Because” Sean replied, “I have a good feed every night at the emperor’s orchard. After dark, I go there myself and pick out enough fruits to last a fortnight.” Luke proposed to accompany his uncle to the orchard. Though reluctant because of Luke’s habit of euphoric exhibition of extreme excitement, Sean agreed to take him along.

At the orchard, while Sean hurriedly collected the fruits and left, Luke on the other hand at the sight of unlimited supply of fruits was excited and lifted his voice which brought the emperor’s men immediately to his side. They seized him and mistook him as the sole cause of damage to the orchard. Although Luke reiterated that he was a bird of passage, they pounded him mercilessly before setting him free.

Luke remained behind at the orchard because he:

119 / 140

Read the following passage and answer the question given below it:

“Uncle” said Luke to the old Sean. “You seem to be well-fed, though I know no one looks after you. Nor have I seen you leave your residence at any time. Tell me how do you manage it?”

“Because” Sean replied, “I have a good feed every night at the emperor’s orchard. After dark, I go there myself and pick out enough fruits to last a fortnight.” Luke proposed to accompany his uncle to the orchard. Though reluctant because of Luke’s habit of euphoric exhibition of extreme excitement, Sean agreed to take him along.

At the orchard, while Sean hurriedly collected the fruits and left, Luke on the other hand at the sight of unlimited supply of fruits was excited and lifted his voice which brought the emperor’s men immediately to his side. They seized him and mistook him as the sole cause of damage to the orchard. Although Luke reiterated that he was a bird of passage, they pounded him mercilessly before setting him free.

How did old Sean manage to meet his food requirements?

120 / 140

Read the following passage and answer the question given below it:

“Uncle” said Luke to the old Sean. “You seem to be well-fed, though I know no one looks after you. Nor have I seen you leave your residence at any time. Tell me how do you manage it?”

“Because” Sean replied, “I have a good feed every night at the emperor’s orchard. After dark, I go there myself and pick out enough fruits to last a fortnight.” Luke proposed to accompany his uncle to the orchard. Though reluctant because of Luke’s habit of euphoric exhibition of extreme excitement, Sean agreed to take him along.

At the orchard, while Sean hurriedly collected the fruits and left, Luke on the other hand at the sight of unlimited supply of fruits was excited and lifted his voice which brought the emperor’s men immediately to his side. They seized him and mistook him as the sole cause of damage to the orchard. Although Luke reiterated that he was a bird of passage, they pounded him mercilessly before setting him free.

Why was Sean reluctant to take Luke along?

121 / 140

Which of the following territories does not have a border with Arunachal Pradesh?

122 / 140

The Industrial Revolution in England represented the climax of the transition from:

123 / 140

Marx belonged to:

124 / 140

The island of Corsica is associated with:

125 / 140

The “Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty” came into force in:

126 / 140

Salim Ali was an eminent:

127 / 140

The first woman to become a Chief Minister of any State in India was:

128 / 140

Which one country is still governed by a monarch?

129 / 140

The first Defence Minister of India was:

130 / 140

The founder of the Brahmo Samaj was:

131 / 140

Three of the following four parts are exactly equal. Which parts is not equal to the other three?

132 / 140

Three of the following four parts are exactly equal. Which parts is not equal to the other three?

133 / 140

Three of the following four parts are exactly equal. Which parts is not equal to the other three?

134 / 140

Three of the following four parts are exactly equal. Which parts is not equal to the other three?

135 / 140

Three of the following four parts are exactly equal. Which parts is not equal to the other three?

136 / 140

If mxm – nxn = 0, then what is the value of 25530.png+ 25523.pngterms of xn?

137 / 140

What is the difference in the sum of squares and the difference of squares of n and a when25537.pngand the sum the of a and n is 12.

138 / 140

Find the value of xa + yb, if ay = 19683, where y is a multiple of a and bx = 1024, where b is a factor of x. a, b, x and y being positive integers:

139 / 140

The fourth root of 28 + 1625580.png is:

140 / 140

How much less is ⅘ of 1150 from ⅚ of 1248?

SSC CGL Tier 1 19-5-13 1st Sitting-Hindi Medium

Staff Selection Commission (SSC) has conducted Combined Graduate Level Tier 1 Examination for recruitment of various posts on April 21 2013 and May 19 2013. The question paper contains 200 questions from following four sections:
1. English Language,
2. General Intelligence,
3. Quantitative Aptitude-Basic Arithmetic Skill and
4. General Awareness.
There was a negative marking of .25 Marks for each wrong answer. The candidates have 02 hours to mark maximum correct answers in order to qualify this examination.This question paper is very helpful for students preparing for SSC Combined Graduate Level Tier 1 Exam.
Edudose has provided these past papers in both English and Hindi midiums. SSC CGL Tier 1 Aspirants Can free Download (without log-in from pdf of these past papers with answer key and solutions.

[TITLE:-Para jumbles Q. 1 of 1-5][QUESTION:-Which of the following should be the LAST (SIXTH) sentence after rearrangement in proper order?

  • (A) The old lady however refused to pay him and was taken to court.
  • (B) The doctor, confident of his abilities, agreed.
  • (C) Finally he cured her after all the valuable furniture had been removed from her house.
  • (D) He then saw her furniture, realized its value and decided to delay curing her till he could steal it.
  • (E) A blind old lady promised to pay the doctor a large sum of money if she was cured and nothing if she wasn’t.
  • (F) She was asked why she refused to pay by the judge. “I am not cured. I cannot see all my furniture!” was the reply.

[EXPLANATION:-The correct arrangement is EBDCAF.]
[Af] [B]
[Af] [C]
[Af] [D]
[Af] [E]
[At] [F]]



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“Uncle” said Luke to the old Sean. “You seem to be well-fed, though I know no one looks after you. Nor have I seen you leave your residence at any time. Tell me how do you manage it?”

“Because” Sean replied, “I have a good feed every night at the emperor’s orchard. After dark, I go there myself and pick out enough fruits to last a fortnight.” Luke proposed to accompany his uncle to the orchard. Though reluctant because of Luke’s habit of euphoric exhibition of extreme excitement, Sean agreed to take him along.

At the orchard, while Sean hurriedly collected the fruits and left, Luke on the other hand at the sight of unlimited supply of fruits was excited and lifted his voice which brought the emperor’s men immediately to his side. They seized him and mistook him as the sole cause of damage to the orchard. Although Luke reiterated that he was a bird of passage, they pounded him mercilessly before setting him free.

There was a negative marking of
There was a negative marking of

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